Search Results for: bill gates

How Does Cybersecurity Work with Fintech?

How Does Cybersecurity Work with Fintech

We are in 2022, where technology is at its peak, introducing advancements in data management, data security, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. The need for cybersecurity in fintech is also rapidly emerging due to the evolving rate of cybercriminals on the internet. Bright promises to make your life easier. It’s a new, patented system of 34 algorithms called MoneyScience™. This means that ...

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12 Cute Minecraft Garden Ideas for Beginners [2024]

In 2024, Minecraft is arguably one of the top ten most popular video games. It’s played by people of all age groups, with some people turning video gaming into a career by earning money from YouTube and Twitch Minecraft streaming. While Minecraft has many features and things to do within the game, we will be focusing on Minecraft Garden Ideas ...

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Is Full Coverage Insurance Right for Me?

Auto Financing

Full coverage insurance is a good fit for most people who drive, especially when they still owe on their vehicle. The only time liability-only would be a considerable option is if your car is so old that the value is not enough to justify the cost of coverage. Just keep in mind, liability only leaves you paying the repair costs ...

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How To Make an Effective Horror Movie


The most effective horror movies are the ones that manage to make horror into a personal experience. Having hundreds of zombies ravaging a distant city is indeed worrisome but having one already in your house at arm’s length of your children is immediately terrifying. In this video, we’re going to take a look at three movies that have successfully told ...

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The Teach to One Program for Students of Mathematics Implemented in the Phoenix International Academy


The Teach to One program was created by New Classrooms, a non-for-profit organization based in New York. Teach to One uses a system of real-time monitoring of progress and creates unique learning modules for the benefit of every student, and also integrates teacher-led exercises within groups of children working within similar time frames. Implementing group work based on these parameters, ...

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The Khan Academy is Changing the World through Enabling Better Access to Education

video conferencing

The Khan Academy estimates that, worldwide, 617 million children are missing basic reading and math skills. The Academy is determined to change that by enabling kids to access engaging lessons that will boost their knowledge and skills.   Using free video tutorials and interactive exercises and other video platforms – not unline the Springbok mobile platform – the Academy provides free ...

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How Mobile Phones are Changing the World

There’s a good chance that you never leave home without your phone – in fact, many people would sooner set off without their wallet or keys than forget their phone, so dedicated are we to the latest mobile devices. Far from simply keeping us in contact while on the move, or improving the marketing reach of businesses, mobile technology has ...

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Why Leasing Gets Overlooked And Why It Shouldn’t Be

While the concept of renting or leasing vehicles is nothing new, it continues to be overlooked in the commercial world. This issue came into sharp focus recently, after both the rental and leasing industries earned considerable praise for diversifying the automotive market and driving economic growth. With this in mind, it is pertinent to ask quite why leasing is so ...

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The “Create Your Own Sci-Fi Movie Monster” T-Shirt

Feel the wrath of Sharktopus! Fear the coming of Cyber Yeti! Wait a second, we’ve already seen an Arachnodroid. In fact, we’ve seen a few. The Science Fiction TV-Movie Title Generator t-shirt encourages the creation of horrible and hysterical hybrids of which the likes have never been seen. I mean Raptorsquito? Really? Malaria with a bite! Ok, ok, I’m sorry. ...

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“Get a Mac”: The Complete Campaign

Apple’s much touted, much beloved “Get a Mac” campaign is celebrating its fourth year running. Pretty impressive for a technology ad campaign when you figure that Microsoft can barely keep a campaign running for more than a few weeks without it tail-diving into failure. AdWeek has published a collection of all 66 “Get a Mac” ads in their entirety. Sounds ...

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