Search Results for: solar

The Modern World Affords Surprising Opportunities To Save

Increases In Technology Technology increase has an exponential component to it that is difficult to ignore. As a matter of fact, most people in America regularly use next-generation tech; just consider smartphones. As options like these become integrated into our daily lives, other areas of innovation become more used and more affordable. The Solar Option One area of technological development ...

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The Man in the Moon: Top Tools and Tips for Modern Stargazers

Humans have stared up at the night sky for centuries, whether attempting to discover its secrets or simply to wonder at the spectacle. These days, stargazing is more popular than ever before, thanks in part to the improved tools that make it easier to experience the stars in all their glory. Are you considering doing some stargazing yourself? Then here ...

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The month to forget just keeps on getting worse for Elon Musk

When your space rocket blows up on the launch pad, your main company starts losing money as you sneakily invest in a business you are Chairman of, you face backlash in the markets as coverage of failures in your autopilot system seemingly dominate the news cycle, and to top things off, one of your shareholders’ decides to sue you – ...

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Technology – Awesome Things You Can’t Buy Yet

technology weird

With rapid advancement in the field of science, technology knows no limits, no boundaries. It is perpetually evolving, giving birth to different gadgets, services, and appliances. But science is weird and whacky. The technology has given rise also to gadgets that are all too awesome and too enchanting but are either too expensive or too useless that you can’t buy ...

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Nerd talks… – 10 Must Have Tech Gadgets

top 10 tech gadgets

The demand and supply of new technology and the implementation of it keeps increasing day by day. It never ceases to surprise us with the amount of variation and creativity it offers with every new release of a gadget. The evolution of technology is only seen through the application of it via gadgets. While many of these gadgets have become ...

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The Environmental Benefits of Kit Homes

As time progresses, construction companies have discovered better and more efficient methods of helping the earth. For example, one home in Singapore incorporates the natural ponds of the environment, and it places them into the home to cool it from the hot sun’s slanting rays. Outside of those interesting environmentally friendly methods of building a home, you can also purchase ...

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How Would You Like To Get Paid To Save Energy?

Are you in California, and looking for a little extra income every year? This may be the answer to your prayers. To understand how you could potentially earn money for saving energy, you need to understand how the national grid charges you for your energy. The average household typically consumes a certain amount of energy every week. Now, power plants ...

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Essential Gadgets and Must-Haves for your Office


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends 44.5 hours in the office each week. That’s a lot of time! That’s only second to the amount of time that they spend sleeping. While some simply need a framed family photo on their desk to make it their “space”, others want the latest technology to guide them through ...

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FrootVPN: The Latest Kid on the VPN Block

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the technology that allows for the private, secure transfer of information across a public, unsecure system such as the internet. Through encryption and other similar forms of security, VPNs ensure the privacy and protection of the user. FrootVPN is the latest service that offers you total obscurity and security in your online activities. The ...

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What Can We Expect from the Future of Driving

This month has seen both CES and the North American International Auto Show, both showing some of the trends we can expect to see in the automotive market of the future. Many of the things we saw were once the realm of science fiction movies, but it might not be long before these ideas become commonplace. Autonomous Vehicles It turns ...

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