Sure, art of this caliber produced entirely out of recycled aluminum cans is impressive. But think of all the time it takes. What kind of social life can artist Jack Kirby have when he takes three years and 5,000 empty cans of Budweiser to make a life size model of a 1965 Ford Mustang? Plus, that’s almost five beers a ...
Read More »Who Wants Some Freaky Electric Sex?
What guy doesn’t enjoy having his nipples electrocuted while someone whips his nutsack? Hey, it’s only natural. Succumb to the fantasy with this lineup of Electrical Fetish Gear from Stockroom, that can generate small electrical shocks in unlikely places, among other features. Take the above gadget for instance. Medieval torture kit or fun-filled Saturday night? You be the judge. � ...
Read More »It’s Like Bird Watching…In Reverse
If you ever get the feeling that you are being watched when you walk around the neighborhood, it may not be a human doing the watching. It could be a bird. A bird with a fancy pants house complete with security cameras waiting for the perfect time to strike. � Sean Fallon Link [via]
Read More »PowerSEED Solar Powered Art Installation: Pasadena Gets Lit
One look at this botanically inspired PowerSEED art installation, and you can understand why it has garnered so much attention. Developed by UeBERSEE for the city of Pasadena, PowerSEED utilizes 30 solar powered lights arranged in bunches around an electric power plant. Each light sits atop a 24 meter (78.7 foot) tall flexible pole that sways gently in the breeze, ...
Read More »Credit Card-Sized Voice Recorder With Built-In USB
This new Card R Voice Recorder is about the same size as a credit card, but it boasts 1GB of internal memory, which is enough space for around 72 hours of voice recordings. It also features a built-in USB connector, which makes transferring content a snap. Personally, I just use my cellphone when I want to take a voice memo. ...
Read More »Mainframe Computer Figure Is Ready For Battle
Brandishing an axe, Mainframe (a veritable Frankenstein of computer parts) is ready to get his hands dirty and whoop some ass the old fashioned way. Based on a character portrayed in a series of paintings by artist Dean Bradley, Mainframe’s original purpose was to symbolize “our delicate relationship with technology.” As a figurine, Mainframe is now a cool collectors item ...
Read More »Very ugly 8GB Motorola music phone spotted
We usually get excited with leaked gadgets, but the new Motorola music phone is giving us nightmares. 8GB of memory, 3.5mm earphone jack and a tiny screen, all wrapped up in a fashion sense that we are so clueless about. Take a deep breath and check out the rest of the shots after the jump.
Read More »DIY: Digital Dashboard Gauges
Here is a little DIY project for anyone who has mad hacking skills and a desire to pimp out their car’s dashboard. This digital dashboard gauge is built on an open source Arduino platform with text LCD and standard car senders. For the purposes of this hack, the gauge is being used to monitor turbo pressure, oil and other temperatures, ...
Read More »Would You Use This ATM?
Call me crazy but this Russian ATM doesn’t exactly instill a lot of confidence in the banking system. I’ll keep my money in my sock where it will be safe thank you very much. � Sean Fallon Link
Read More »Make Your Own Sugar Glass For Under $20
Ever wondered how to make your own movie quality sugar glass? Just think of all the people you could freak out — your friends, co-workers,… Grandma. Everything you need to know about making the glass is available in the video linked below. It’s not difficult, but if your idea of cooking is throwing a Hot Pocket in a microwave, you ...
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