DIYs & Mods

D-Pad Hero: Daft Punk Edition

Ever wonder what it’d be like to play Guitar Hero on the original Nintendo Entertainment System? Try D-Pad Hero out for size: Chiptune version of Daft Punk�s �Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger� played in homebrew NES game D-Pad Hero. Tiny Cartridge reader George recorded and posted this video. Let us all praise him for giving us stuff to post when we ...

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Dude Creates Wireless SEGA Genesis Controller

I have a soft spot in my heart for SEGA’s 16-bit Genesis console. I remember playing hours of Vectorman and Cosmic Spacehead, sitting in front of the television set until my eyes begged for a rest. To think now, that I could have been doing it all wirelessly, just like hacker Jakob Griffith. He rigged an old Mad Catz Genesis ...

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Moleskine Notebook Hard Drive Mod

Here’s a nice little mod to start off your snowy morning. Found in the MAKE Flickr pool, Flickr user Shoxcorp snuck a full 3.5-inch hard drive inside a fine-looking moleskine notebook. Who would ever think that your private data is inside a journal? Notebooks? Private? You be the judge. Link

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Das Macboard

If you haven’t heard of the Das Keyboard, it’s a $100+ keyboard for your computer that features no writing on the keys. Thus, you’re supposed to become more efficient at typing, or so they claim. But what if we own a Mac? We don’t want some ugly navy blue keyboard near our precious Apple of California design. That’s why Steve ...

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The Nintendo Wii and Bad Parenting Work Well Together

“Son, we’re going to the 7-11 for dinner. Put your shoes on.” “But father! I’ve lost my sneakers whilst playing in the woods this morning!” “You little shit. Those shoes cost me $17 from Walmart. Are you trying to embarrass me?” “No!” “Well I’m hungry as shit. Here. In the mean time, put these Wiimote covers on your feet.” “I’m ...

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Emoji: Turn Your iPhone Up To 11

Yesterday, around 9:50am, I received a text message on my iPhone 3G. I opened it up and lo and behold, what do I see? A fish, a soccer ball and a traffic light. What the fuck could this be? After asking my friend how he sent images like that via SMS, he soon explained to me that these were Emoji, ...

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Arduino-based Etch-A-Sketch

Using the graphical programming language Processing and an Arduino microcontroller, Trevor Shannon built himself a software-based Etch-A-Sketch. The Arduino reads the input from two potentiometers and then through a serial connection, lines are produced on a computer screen. Over time, the lines disappear, just like a real Etch-A-Sketch. A simple, yet intuitive way of using the Arduino to build a ...

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Gilligan’s Island LEGO Sets

I’m pretty sure LEGO builder Dave Shaddix photoshopped these LEGO box covers but he did come up with a sweet recreation of Gilligan’s Island. As you can see, Gilligan is present, the Skipper too (well, somewhere!). I particularly like the scene where Gilligan is robbed by a monkey. Check it after the jump.

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Mystery Powerbook

I found this awesome laser-etched Macbook Pro Powerbook G4 on Tumblr. Can anyone identify whose it is or what that character is on the front? Very intense. Link

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Hack A Programmable Road Sign

While I’d call this more of a crime of mischief than a hack, it’s still a neat write up that can let you wreck havoc in your town. By inspecting one of those portable road warning signs, you’ll find there’s a black numpad that allows you to enter letters. Just enter in a few key sequences and BAM!, you’re in. ...

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