
Quick Update: Apple Updates Mac Pro

Those shady motherfuckers at Apple decided to mention a Mac Pro update an hour after I caught the original update on the iMac and Mac Mini. The new Mac Pros cost $300 less than before, feature new Intel “Nehalem” Xeon CPUs (read: hella fuckin’ fast) and better graphics cards standard. Some bullshit about DDR3 RAM and that about sums it ...

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Sound of Silence: Apple Announces Updates

Steve Jobs is off on some island banging chicks and sipping margaritas. Meanwhile, COO Tim Cook announced lackluster updates for iMacs and Mac Minis today. The 24-inch iMac has new NVIDIA graphics, twice the memory and twice the storage and still only costs $1499. The Mac Mini also got an upgrade, scoring 5 USB ports, Firewire 800 and a variety ...

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The Lazy Man’s iMac

I’m curious. Do you own a Macbook? Does the plastic casing of it fall apart at random like the piece of shit it is? Mine does. If it gets any worse, I’m going to do what this guy did and throw it in a fucking thing that holds paper and mount it to the back of my monitor. It’s not ...

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See? The Dreamcast and the iMac Can Be Friends

What do you get when you combine the power of a Sega Dreamcast with the shitty display of an old 1999 iMac? The iCast, of course. The clutch part of this mod, however, is that creator Logicdustbin was able to squeeze the entire Dreamcast console inside the plastic shell of the iMac. The controller ports even run out the front. ...

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Make Your Own Ball Bearing Sequencer

In the latest issue of MAKE, there are instructions for a DIY project that is long overdue. If you’re into creating digital music, by now you’ve surely seen the video of a ball bearing sequencer on YouTube. You haven’t? Well watch the above video and you’ll be brought up to speed. Essentially, you move the metal balls around to different ...

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Quick Review: JBL On Time 400iHD iPod Dock

Several weeks ago, I received a JBL On Time 400 iHD iPod Dock (whew!) to review. In the past, I’ve really enjoyed JBL’s products. They make fair-priced, great-sounding iPod docks with rich bass and decent treble and mids. I unpacked the On Time, plugged it in and shoved my iPod Touch on top to start streaming music to the speakers. ...

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Standby: Table and Wheelbarrow

If you garden, work outdoors or have a workshop, Standby could become the biggest lifesaver you’ve ever encountered. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary table. If you look closer though, you’ll notice the wheel and handlebars attached to the table. This allows you to easily transport the table around your work area as needed. It’s so simple that ...

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Conductive Wire Glue A DIY Lifesaver

There are times when I’m working on a project and soldering just isn’t an option. Maybe I’m away from my workbench or at an entirely different location collaborating with another artist. I wish I had known about Wire Glue, which is a prototyper’s wet dream. You simple glue wire together with it and it’ll conduct electricity to keep your circuit ...

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Get Smart: Egg Edition

Alright chief. We have five minutes and I mean exactly five minutes to get these six hard boiled eggs to Mayor Bloomberg. You can’t lose them and if they fall on the ground, we’re finished I tell ya. The man needs his breakfast. Here, use my special egg suitcase for the task. It’ll hold all six of Bloomy’s eggs in ...

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Amazon Kindle 2 Has Hidden SIM Card Slot

We haven’t been talking about the Amazon Kindle 2 a lot. Know why? Because everyone and their mother has been talking about it. Jeff Bezos was even on The Colbert Report shilling his new eBook reader. Interestingly, though, when the boys at iFixIt cracked open a brand new Kindle 2, they found a surprise waiting inside. See that circled area ...

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