
Steampunk Ray Gun

Not much to say here except for a resounding “WOW.” This ray gun is a steampunk creation that was found on Flickr user Tinkerbot’s photostream. Seems Tinkerbot is all about designing fake ray guns that have a distinct vintage feel. After the jump, a selection of his best works that really put the “punk” back in the already enigmatic steampunk ...

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Control Gadgets With That Beautiful Punim Of Yours

The next time you’re shopping for jock straps at the mall, be on the lookout for guy or girl with the messed up face. I’m not talking about some huge tumor hanging off of a chin here, I’m talking about people who have the latest Japanese accessory for controlling their iPod. It’s called the Mimi Switch and it allows the ...

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Stick It: The Gorillapad Camera Tripod

Have you ever been out with your digital camera and wish you had a tripod? It’s happened to me many times and while a tripod can dramatically improve your shot, they’re just not practical to carry around. Enter the Gorillapad. This tripod uses a “viscoelastic morphing polymer base” to stick to almost any surface, effectively turning anything into a usable ...

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Paparazzi: New iPhone Game Brings Facebook Into The Mix

Paris Hilton. Britney Spears. Lindsay Lohan. What do these three beautiful women have in common? Ah yes, they’ve all flashed their vagina for the paparazzi. Lovely. Wouldn’t you love to be a member of the paparazzi sans citations for stalking from the LAPD? Of course you would. That’s why you need to check out this new game based on the ...

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Drum Machine Rings

Feeling nostalgic about the 1980s? Want to relive those moments of seeing New Order fire up a Roland TR-909 and go apeshit with it? Well here’s a way you can do it without copious amounts of cocaine. Just pick up some of these slick rings modeled after samplers and drum machines. I’d tell you where to get some but Boing ...

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The LG Chocolate This Is Not (Delicious It Is)

It’s Friday. Treat yourself a little with this white chocolate keyboard. It looks absolutely delicious and considering how white chocolate is secretly a form of crack cocaine, I’d bet it’s addictive as shit. Don’t want to shell out the money? Here’s a DIY for you: -Pick up keyboard in front of you -Melt M & Ms with Bic lighter over ...

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Head-shaped Fish Tank

We don’t cover too many aquariums on Gearfuse for obvious reasons (we’re prejudice against tuna) but I love the look and design of this particular fish tank. It was designed by Nicola L. and is shaped like a human head. Coincidentally, in the above photo, the fish poses as the eyeball, leading me to believe that any stoner would spend ...

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Sayonara Circuit City

March 8th. That’s Sunday. So that means you officially have about 48 hours to make your way to the nearest Circuit City in an attempt to score huge deals. I mean huge deals, too, ’cause come Sunday night, Circuit City will be closing its doors for good. With 567 stores around the country, liquidating the $1.7 billion in merchandise would ...

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Eee PC Shoved Inside A Keyboard

Forget netbooks. Displays and portability are both overrated. You need peripherals with entire PCs shoved into them and you need them now, hungry man. Lucky for you, ASUS had just enough time to whip up a keyboard with a whole goddamned computer shoved inside it. Standard 1.6Ghz Intel Atom CPU, 1GB of RAM, etc. Not a powerhouse, but hey, it’ll ...

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Verizon Wireless: Do You Want The iPhone?

Customers who are leaving Verizon Wireless are being asked to conduct an exit survey so VZW can find out why they left. The standard questions apply but one of the answers is raising some eyebrows. Can you guess? I’ll give you a hint: it rhymes with iClone. Yes, Verizon Wireless is gauging how badly the iPhone is hurting its subscriber ...

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