Arts & Design

Lucifer Matchbox is a real fire starter

When you lose your lighter, matches are sometimes a last resort for lighting whatever needs to be lit. It’s just a pain in the ass to keep having to strike matches over and over again. The Lucifer Matchbox ignites the match as you pull it out of the match hole, yet all of the other matches remain untouched. The box ...

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Pixel jewelry makes you look high-def

We’re usually much too manly to talk about any kind of jewelry (excluding watches, of course), but for this, we have to let our balls retract back into our innards for a few minutes. When wearing this Pixel Jewelry, in comparison, your body looks like it has a seriously high-def resolution. The jewelry looks pretty badass too. Well, as badass ...

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Lima tests blood sugar with no blood shed

Very few people enjoy the sight of blood. Let me rephrase that. Very few people enjoy the site of their OWN blood. The Lima blood sugar analyzer (named after its resemblance to a Lima bean?) concept design claims to be able to monitor your glucose levels without making you shed your own blood, or anyone’s for that matter. Lima uses ...

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The incredible levitating lightbulb

Harnessing the power of electromagnetic fields, has created this groovy looking lightbulb that floats roughly 2.5″ from the surface you place it on. The above image is no camera trick. The lightbulb actually levitates. The bulb is a revision from a previous prototype from 2005, with much greater levitational skills than the previous version. The lightbulb will be on ...

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iGoatse makes you sick to your stomach

If you are as deep into internet culture as most people reading this, then you have probably seen the horrendous Goatse photo (let’s just say it involves a man and his beloved anus). This imaginative, yet disturbing iPod case uses that cultural repulsion and creates the iGoatse. A Goatse theme for your iPod. If you’re browsing at work or something, ...

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This car just screams “Yabba Dabba Doo”

Hey, umm, Fred Flintstone called and he wants his tires back. Spotted in Hungary is this soviet car featuring stone age-esque wooden wheels made out of what looks to be tree trunks. Does this car actually drive? That we couldn’t tell you. But one thing’s for sure. It probably goes “Bam Bam” when it moves. Get it? Bam-Bam? Haha, Barney ...

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Yo, it’s a Yo-Yo Phone, yo

Try explaining what kind of cellphone you have to your friends. “What kind of phone you got, brotha?”, “Yo-yo”, “Um, yeah, hey, what kind of phone do you got?”, “Yo-yo”, “OK, just forget it.” Could cause some minor difficulties. But hell, this phone concept looks cool enough to put up with the loss of friends that might result. The Yo-Yo ...

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An epic Mecedes M-Class…no, really

Talk about an epic automobile! This Mercedes M-Class is decked out with an epic-style mural which screams out proudly “The owner of this car is a nerd!”. Painted with some unidentifiable epic theme, it might not put the class in M-Classs, but it sure as hell puts the nerd in, ummm, car buyer. The car’s owner lives in St. Petersburg, ...

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Hello Kitty LaVie G Laptop: When will the madness end?

Nowadays, you can get almost anything Hello Kitty-themed. It reminds of how the Kiss Army was in the late 70’s. Everything was emblazoned with Gene Simmons’ mug. The NEC LaVie G Laptop is disgustingly laced with girly thingamabobs, with Hello Kitty playing a starring roll. Not only is the LaVie as pink as a laptop can get (not even neon, ...

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Hummer HT1 Phone is (luckily) not Hummer sized, but already past its prime

Porsche just announced their cellphone, and we guess Hummer felt left out? In totally gaudy move, Hummer has decided that the world was lacking a phone with a camouflage theme. The GSM slider doesn’t really come with special features either, other than a Hummer logo if you consider that cool. The Hummer phone rocks a 2.2 inch touchscreen supporting 262k ...

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