
Gearfuse’s Euro Trip

What up everybody. This cool Lego creation is a model of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport that I spotted when I landed in Europe yesterday morning. Thanks to the folks at Eurail and various tourism ministries, I’m here on a ten day trip through Portugal, Spain, and Amsterdam. While I’m traveling, in addition to all the regular Gearfuse goodness, expect weekend updates ...

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Fusion Man Makes It Across The English Channel

Remember the Swiss �Fusion Man� Yves Rossy who attempted to cross the English channel in his jet powered wing suit? Well, he made it. Rossy is the first person to ever fly between France and England with a jetpack strapped to his back.� This historic flight took only 10 minutes as the “Fusion Man” flew at speeds of up to ...

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The T-Mobile G1 Launch Recap

I spent my morning with the other journos in New York, where T-Mobile and Google together unveiled the T-Mobile G1. The G1 is a smartphone manufactured by HTC and it runs Google’s open-source Android OS. Speakers at today’s event included Andy Rubin from Google, Peter Chou from HTC, Chris Schlaffer from T-Mobile among others. But enough talk; you want to ...

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Quickie: Adobe Announces CS4

Adobe today announced the next installment of it’s popular editing software suite that includes Photoshop and Illustrator. The beta has been available on Bit Torrent sites for quite a bit now but today, we’re getting real. There’s going to be tons of new features, tons of performance upgrades and quite possibly tons of coked-out design going on the minute it ...

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T-Mobile Android Coverage

Just a heads up that we’ll be covering the T-Mobile HTC Dream press conference in New York next Tuesday. We’ll have all the latest HTC/T-mo/Android information for you and if all goes well, possibly product shots or a video review. Stay tuned!

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Pixos Is Essentially A Recalled Children’s Toy

Slick marketing is an evil and effective way to get things done your way. Take for instance the Pixos Super Studio I found on Random Good Stuff. At first, it looks like a cool kids toy that uses water and beads to paint “pixelated” pictures that can turn into toys. The product description states: Just add water, and watch in ...

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Contest Reminder!

Yous guys! Surely you heard about our incredibly awesome contest where you can win one of the awesome t-shirts you see above. The Misfits and Mad Magazine? A lovely combination. Thanks to for sponsoring this contest. Click here to read more about the contest, how to win, rules, etc.

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The 60 Second Apple Roundup

So I missed Jobs’ entire speech/event because I was at class receiving my education. Here’s what happened: Steve Jobs comes out, cracks jokes, spits out stats Jobs jokes about his death, iTunes, songs, etc. HD on iTunes, $1.99, $2.99 – NBC back on iTunes Speaking of iTunes, iTunes 8 announced. Talks about Genius. Available today iPod talk – 90% of ...

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Contest Time: Shirts, Shirts, Shirts

Alright ladies and gentlemen. It’s a new week. You’re here at Gearfuse and we appreciate that. We asked to hook us up with two of these “Alfred E. Misfit” shirts that combine the Misfits’ classic skull logo with the face of Mad Magazine’s Alfred E. Neuman. We previously showcased the shirt and now we’re offering you, the reader, a ...

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