Why Your Customer Support Needs to be Optimized for Voice

More than one billion voice search queries are performed each month, and according to various data sources, about 71% of people prefer using voice over typing. This makes sense, considering people are primarily using smartphones to browse the internet and voice search is easier. What’s even more interesting is that people prefer self-service options over talking with a live agent.

Until recently, voice support was mostly used with search engines. Users would engage Google, apps like ‘hands-free Alexa,’ and smart speakers in order to find something specific with a voice query. 

Now, voice support is making a debut in customer service, and it’s changing the customer experience for the better. If you haven’t integrated voice search into your support system, here’s why you should make this a priority. 

Customers Want to Solve their Own Issues

Most people prefer finding solutions to their problems without involving a live human. They either scour knowledge base articles, speak with a chatbot, or utilize automated customer service over the phone. All of these automated support options are effective. However, providing automated support via phone will be a game-changer.

Where phone support is concerned, contact center AI solutions facilitate fast self-service, reduce unnecessary wait time, and deliver a satisfying customer experience through lifelike conversations. Customers know they’re not speaking to a live agent, and that’s perfectly fine – it’s what they prefer because it’s usually faster. It’s also cheaper for your business than maintaining a full-time customer support team.

Voice Feels More Natural

Typing long queries on a smartphone isn’t easy, and that limits what customers will attempt to search for when engaging with your brand. They might have more unmet needs, simply because they don’t want to type. It’s not your fault, but this might cause them to feel less than satisfied.

When your customers can voice their questions to your support system, they’re more likely to include more information, ask additional questions, resolve more concerns, and therefore be more satisfied.

Three Tips to Incorporate Voice into your Customer Support

1) Do Your Research

Just like standard keyword research, you’ll need to identify words and phrases related to your products, services, and business. These will be the words you program your voice assistant to recognize and respond to when a customer makes an inquiry. It might be helpful to connect with a professional marketing company to get access to pre-existing research in your niche.

2) Use Conversational AI

People speak differently than they type. Disjoined, but related words are used for text searches, but not in speech. When speaking, users tend to ask complete questions, so it’s important for your voice function to be conversational and respond with complete and direct answers phrased the way they would be spoken. This is best achieved with conversational AI, specifically through a chatbot on your website.

Conversational AI is powered by machine learning algorithms that are trained to find relevant answers from the content you provide as its resource. For example, when you have a knowledge base full of helpful articles, your voice search assistant can scour this content to find a relevant answer for a user.

3) Create Answer-Focused Content

With voice search, your support assistant will use your content to deliver results to customers. It’s critical to format your content as an answer rather than just basic information. The best way to structure your pages is to use headings in the form of a question (like “why do people put butter on bread?”) and in the body below, answer that question fully, with the “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how” related to your business.

In addition to a knowledge base, having a detailed FAQ page is essential, and will help your customers find fast answers and solutions.

Think Like your Customers to Make Voice Support Work

Voice search is only successful when the customer gets the answer they’re after. You have to know what your customers want to make it work. You can’t stuff a bunch of keywords into a website and expect it to rank high; the same is true for voice.

You can’t just toss out a bunch of content related to your business and hope it works. You have to think like your customers and focus on what they might be searching for. Other than the basics, like your address and business hours, you might have different audience segments that want different things. 

Make sure to include content that covers every possible question or issue that might arise. Use your help desk tickets or email support requests for ideas. Over time, you’ll have a comprehensive collection of content that will support all of your customers’ needs.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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