Tag Archives: riaa

Out With The Old, In With The New

You’ve heard the terrible news about Muxtape being shutdown by the RIAA and now you’ve got no way of discovering new music. Guess it’s back to the ol’ 90210 iPod. On the RIAA’s official site, it claims that Muxtape had been evading the RIAA for a little while, which lead it to the killing blow which was a cease and ...

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Muxtape Shut Down By RIAA

The RIAA keeps chugging along and putting people with good intentions out of business. The latest casualty is Muxtape, an online mixtape service that I used and really enjoyed. You uploaded 13 of your favorite tracks and that’d be about it. What do I think will happen now? Nothing. Muxtape is not/does not have the money to license all those ...

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