When company One Block Off the Grid needed a way to spice up their Mac performance, they decided to order their own hardware. In such a rush to get the computer up and running and lacking the needed casing, employee Kalvin decided to build the computer right inside of the box the parts were shipped in. Besides the power switch, ...
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Giant Printer Uses Painball Guns to Create Wall-Sized Prints
The Facade Printer, created by German design group Sonice Development GmbH, is a computer-controlled paintball gun that reproduces wall-sized images on, well, walls. The printer literally shoots the images onto the wall with eagle-eye precision. Now I might be able to finish my giant mural of Zombie Spock without too much trouble. Link [via]
Read More »Steampunk Organ Computer Will Play the Marriage Tune at My Wedding
When Megan Fox and I get married, I will demand only the best for our wedding. Which means this Steampunk Organ Computer will definitly be making an appearance. Sure, there might not be actual functioning pipes, but that’s nothing a little Pro Tools can’t fix. I can’t even say it doesn’t include a keyboard because HELLO, it’s got QWERTY. Everything ...
Read More »The Computer Bong: Hardware You Can Smoke
Somebody’s finally up and done it. The YaHookah is a computer (or at least what used to be described as a computer) you can literally smoke, smoke until you’re damn near dead. And the creator didn’t stop there. He was generous enough to write up a step-by-step DIY project over at Instructables, so you can be smoking from the comfort ...
Read More »Mona Lisa Made Using Computer Folders Is Just As Ambiguous
You’d think a computer, with all of is modern technology, would be able to boil down at least a bit of the ambiguity which constantly surrounds the Mona Lisa. A computer designed to do so might be able to shed some light on the woman, but when we’re talking a recreation made out of only computer folders, Lisa is even ...
Read More »Build a $500 Gaming PC
Have you ever dreamed of finally owning a PC that could play the uber-popular Crysis? Of course you have. Luckily, Maximum PC threw together a guide on how to build a computer using quality parts for about $500. The end result is a machine that can handle Crysis at 40 frames-per-second, ensuring that nearly any game can be installed and ...
Read More »Ben Heck’s C64 Laptop
Dream for days of true retro-gaming on the go? Ben Heck has you covered. He’s put his master modder skills to good use this time around, creating a portable Commodore 64 laptop. Says Heck: This project somehow has the distinction of being both the longest and fastest portable electronics project I have ever done. I originally started making a C64 ...
Read More »Pillow Suit Protects From Narcolepsy Related Injury
How often do you find yourself falling asleep at your computer as you surf the web into the early hours of the morning? Have you woken up with keyboard squares etched into your forehead? Maybe even stiff limbs? The “Pillows for Workaholics” suit will protect you from yourself and your stupid ass decisions. Or maybe you could just stop the ...
Read More »USB Breast Warmers Are Gearfuse-certified
Hi, I’m Doctor Vincent Veneziani B.D.. I’ll be your breast doctor for today. Please remove your shirt. Thanks. Hmmm, good feel. Nice and firm. Not too big. I’d say you’re healthy. What’s this, though? You’re always cold? No problem. Try these USB breast warmers out. Where did I get them? Where else? Thanko! Just plug them in and I promise ...
Read More »Miyamoto’s Game Solving System For Newbies
Holy shit. Apparently Miyamoto still has some ideas lodged in that adolescent skull of his. Nintendo has recently filed a patent application in the US for a system that will potentially aid gamers via computer controlled characters in sections too difficult for the player to overcome. This idea comes straight from Miyamoto who is worried that some games are too ...
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