Sharp Papyrus PW-TC900 reviewed: A sinful electronic dictionary

Sharp papyrus pw-tc-900

The Japanese tend to make things complicated. Against all odds, they decided that electronic dictionaries are better than paper, and figured out ways to assert the belief. The electronic dicionary should be goodlooking, intelligent-looking, pocketable and very expensive. In fact, the Japanese spend more time with their handsome looking electronic dictionary-cum-translators than actually learning a language for real. Sharp even bothered to add a DMB (one-Seg) tuner into their sentimentally named Papyrus line of electronic paper-free dictionary. Excellent combination, just when you were watching Friends and wondering who da heck are your friends, simply swivel the screen and check your list against the dictionary definition. ITmedia took the PW-TC900 for a spin and liked it. The ASV screen was awesome and the reception was good. The extra MP3 and JPG support came as a bonus and added to the fun. The team concluded that the TC900 was “sinful” as it could distract users from what they should really be doing. — Sam Chan

Sharp Papyrus PW-TC900 Review [ITmedia]

About Mohit


  1. My SHARP Papyrus PW-TC900 Electronic Dictionary is 10 years old and does not work any more. I am a translator and am in urgent need of a new dictionary. I am unable to travel to Japan right now, so please tell me how to buy a new SHARP PAPYRUS dictionary from here.
    Thank you,

  2. i have one to sell fully works with japanese charger ,email me

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