Comparing the size, design and describing the ultimate fate of each lightsaber, this image is the easiest and most straightforward guide to the lightsabers of the Star Wars universe that we’ve ever seen. Well, a more accurate description would be the Star Wars films, because lord knows there were a bunch more lightsabers featured in the various novelizations and comics. ...
Read More »Search Results for: star wars
Entire Original Star Wars Trilogy GIF’ed
OMG OMG OMG OMG! OK, sorry, I can control myself. We’re all adults here. And if not, WHERE are your parents? Don’t you know this site has very naughty language? Anyway, someone went through the trouble of creating animated GIF images of all three of the original Star Wars films. I’m forever in their debt. Hit the jump to see ...
Read More »Alternative Star Wars Posters Inspired By Other Popular Movie Posters
Apparently, other movies exist besides Star Wars. And Flickr user Old Red Jalopy uses the posters from these mythical movies as inspiration for, what else, but alternative Star Wars posters. Included in these imaginary renderings are posters inspired by Full Metal Jacket, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and American Beauty. I can only assume that Mark Hammill and Harrison Ford star in ...
Read More »Star Wars Tuxedo Shirt: It’s a Black TIE Fighter Affair
Alright, this really sucks. I was just invited to a wedding and of course it’s a black tie affair. The real problem is that I hate the way I look in a tuxedo. I look like a butler or a chauffeur or a bathroom attendant. I need something more suited to my personal brand of style. The TIE Fighter Tuxedo ...
Read More »Premakes: Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, 1950s Style
If George Lucas had been born about 25 years earlier, Star Wars would have turned out a hell of a lot different. In this excellent “premake” trailer by Ivan Guerrero, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is transformed into a campy 50s sci-fi epic, complete with chintzy-looking robots and “amazing” 3D effects. The premake was made by splicing together classic ...
Read More »All Three Original Star Wars Movies Retold in Two Minutes… with LEGOs
I’m not sure George Lucas understood the cultural significance Star Wars would have on the geek community. From rabid action figure collectors to entire religions, the world of Star Wars is nothing short of a phenomenon. Name any other film that has generated such a cultural furor. Nothing even comes close. So you can only imagine the geek boner I ...
Read More »Today is Star Wars Day: May the Fourth Be With You
No, really, I’m not making this up. Today is Star Wars Day, and I’m pretty sure the only reason that this is so is so people could say “May the Fourth be with you.” Us geeks are so wacky. Later this month, on May 25th, we have Geek Pride Day coming up. May is an AWESOME month! How will you ...
Read More »Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: Picard Takes on Darth in a Battle of Wits (and Lasers)
Star Wars and Star Trek have been locked in an intrinsically geeky battle since the beginning of modern geeky times. I’ve always been way more of a Star Wars guy, as I’m sure you can clearly tell from just taking a fleeting glace at this very blog, but as a master of the science fiction arts, I have to admire ...
Read More »The Imperial Undead: Star Wars and Zombies
Geek porn. That is exactly what this is. A cleverly devised ploy to sell as many t-shirts as possible to the geeky masses. As much as you might try to not buy in to total geek bait, it’s hard to deny the allure of Star Wars and zombies melded together on, what else, a tee. As if the founding fathers ...
Read More »Star Wars: Samurai-Style
Sillof created these awesome custom action figures which restyles your favorite Star Wars characters into samurai-inspired creations. If you’re the type of person who draws references between Star Wars and Imperial Japan, not only do we feel slightly sorry for you, but you’ll be in heaven with these awesome action figures. Pictured above is R2-D2. Can you guess the rest? ...
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