Now that the PS4 has been released, the PS3 is facing its autumn years. We’re now in that awkward phase of watching this titan of a console being slowly phased out. The PS3 was released in 2006 and, judging by the quality of the games that are being released now, its clear that owning a PS3 was a worthwhile investment. Game designers are still unlocking new potential within the system.
If you’re still debating whether to fork out and buy a new PS4, you may want to bide your time. Who needs next-gen gaming when developers are trying their best to make your PS3 last a little longer?
The Last of Us
Could The Last of Us be one of the greatest video games of all time? Experts and reviewers reckon so. Incredible graphics and frightening gameplay isn’t all it has going for it. It’s so rare that a video game gets everything else right too, like the voice acting and the dialogue but The Last Of Us succeeds.
The opening sequence of The Last of Us looks, sounds and feels like a better episode of The Walking Dead.
Get The Last Of Us from Asda

Gran Turismo 6
Another instalment of the world’s best racing simulator. Blurring the lines between reality and the virtual world, fans can drive the best collection of cars on the world’s greatest racetracks. This classic really takes the driving simulator experience to a whole new level.
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BioShock: Infinite
It’s hard not to include the BioShock series in any list related to great video games. Fans breathed a sigh of relief when it emerged that BioShock: Infinite, the third title in the franchise, would get a PS3 release. Set in an alternate Civil War setting, featuring an evil white supremacist fantasy world in a floating city, the dynamics of this game are truly mind-bending, progressive and ground-breaking.
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Grand Theft Auto V
They might as well have stopped releasing PS3 games after the release of the fifth Grand Theft Auto game. It was simply everything GTA fans wanted and more. Aside from the humongous strides in graphics and gameplay and scale, the game featured a great script and interchangeable protagonists, a first for the franchise.
The massive online features were revolutionary as well. Great music, great gameplay, great voice talent and a whole game sprawled across one of the biggest maps we’ve ever seen. What’s not to love? The franchise remains one of the strongest parodies of American culture and GTA V is no exception.
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It’s been revealed that many of the upcoming PS4 titles will also be released for the PS3 – it’ll be interesting to see what the exact differences are. It’s a testament to how solid the older machine is: still going strong, despite its successor’s release.
The last great games that aren’t cross-gen titles, maybe. There are a few great HD collections still coming, as well as many great PS3-PS4 titles.