How to Prevent A Data Breach? – 7 Tips to Follow

A data breach is an intentional method of invading the privacy of information without authorization. A data breach can be done by penetrating and gaining unauthorized access on computers or networks for stealing sensitive information, which can be misused, thus causing irreparable damages.

There are four basic types of data breaches from which you need to protect your data. 

Types of Data Breach:

  • Malware: Malicious software intentionally designed to damage computer networks and servers for accessing and stealing data.
  • Ransomware: It is a type of malware where the fraudster encrypts your data and asks for a ransom (as the name suggests) to decrypt the same. 
  • Phishing: In Phishing, the fraudster disguised as a trusted entity makes a corrupt attempt to grab sensitive information by sending deceiving e-mails.
  • Denial of Service (DoS) attack: In this attack, attackers try to prevent visitors from accessing the service by interrupting the services and making network resources unavailable. It is caused by various compromised systems attacking the target system with junk traffic directed to unknown sources.

Causes and Targets of Data Breach:

Data breaches are caused by a corrupt insider, malicious outsider, compromised devices etc. Their main target is possession of credit card numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers etc. which can be misused for their financial gains. 

There are various precautionary measures which can prevent a data breach. Let’s have a look at a few of them.

Prevention of Data Breach:

1.  Keep your security software updated:

Since software becomes outdated with frequent technological updates happening every time, any outdated versions or previous versions of securities are prone to data breaches very easily. These cyber-securities installed on your computer must be updated regularly because the obsolete version of the software makes it easy for the hackers to gain unauthorized access to your network. Studies reveal an increase of 54% of the data breach has been noticed in 2019, which is a serious threat to business enterprises and e-commerce industries.

Web securities like SSL security, anti-virus software and firewalls etc. can be compromised if they are not configured correctly.

Check whether your security software is in place, and curbs cyber-attacks and data breaches when needed.

2.  Use SSL Encryption Security:

Hackers try to breach your network for gaining unauthorized access to your data. Installation of SSL certificate on your business site encrypts communication of data transmitted on a network, keeping it secure from hackers. 

There are types of SSL certificates available in market with different features. You can choose according to your requirements. We take few examples here like, if you have small website/blog, get cheap comodo essential SSL certificate that secure your site/blog at low cost. 

The reason behind to secure your server is to save the data that flows between your customers and the server. If hackers infiltrate the system, they can gain access to the data. As a result, customers won’t put trust on you after such a breach. So, security is an important part of your website and server.

In case, if your site has numerous subdomains that pointing to a main domain, you can buy Comodo Positivessl Wildcard Certificate at $45/year from

SSL Certificate helps to prevent data breach and improve user trust on your website. 

3.  Implement BYOD Policies:

Bring your own device (BYOD) policy increases productivity amongst the employees; since they are friendly with their device (computer/laptop) and can use the same. It is essential to create a strong BYOD policy, which keeps security intact and reduces data breaches.

Tips for BYOD Policy:

  • Use unique and multiple passwords for different access controls to give a tough time to hackers.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use and connect devices to trusted connections for safety.
  • Each application should be accessed only when needed; hence optimized access control and permission settings of application helps in securing data.

4.  Audit of terminated employees: 

A primary reason for a data breach is the termination of resentful employees, who are well versed with your company’s policies and have access codes and passwords of important stuff of your company. They can jeopardize your security systems, thus causing damage to your business.

Hence, termination of physical access to all their accounts as soon as they are off board; becomes a priority. Instruct your IT team to take care of their logins, passwords and accesses by deactivating and disabling the same, so they cannot cause hidden damages.

5.  Educate your employees for Cyber-Security:

It is essential to invest in employee training for creating web-security awareness. With the increase in security, hackers also try different ways to get hold of their desired stuff and hence employees should be trained in such a way that they can recognize malware and phishing attacks and prevent them. Training insiders for identification of suspicious e-mails, links or attachments helps in prevention of data breach.

Regular updates on cyber-security should be communicated to them through fliers or e-mails for prevention of data breaches.

6.  Enforcing strong passwords and Multi-factor Authentication:

Prevention of password breaches goes a long way in preventing data breaches. Creating a strong and complex password with a combination of upper and lower case, special character, number, and symbols is tough to guess and cannot be easily hacked.

Change your passwords regularly, never note them, restrict sharing them, and keeping different passwords for different applications, all these are essential tips to keep your password safe.

Multi-factor Authentication, as the name, specifies, also helps in curbing breach attacks. MFA means authenticating the identity of the user in multiple ways before trusting them with your sensitive data.


  • Tokens
  • App Codes 
  • Facial recognitions
  • Finger Prints
  • Retina Scan
  • Codes sent on mail
  • PIN

Multiple protection means an additional layer of security and hence the risk of a data breach by intruders gaining unauthorized access is reduced.

7.  Use Managed Security Services:

Data breaches can be internal or external. In this competitive business environment, it is sometimes difficult to survive such breaches. Breach threats, data theft, compliance issues, time constraints, non-proficiency all can be managed by outsourcing IT security services. This enables the company to stay focused on their goals while the outsourced security agency takes care of your business securities.

data breach

Outsourcing IT security also helps alleviate data breaches, as their cyber-security specialists perform vulnerability checks to determine the flaws in your security system. Their experts monitor your network round the clock and have knowledge and talent for dealing with immediate threats. 

Since these experts can detect areas which are prone to attacks on a prior basis, they can safeguard the same by taking proactive measures for preventing breach attacks.


As we take a peep in the future, the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks are on an increasing trend. Weekly vulnerability scans on all systems of your network, regular backups, encryption security, strong passwords, securing critical applications, restrictive access and permissions and multiple security layers all help in the prevention of data breaches.  

Though these security tips are time consuming and bit high on the budget for medium and small businesses, it’s worth the effort when we compare it to the irreparable monetary damage caused by these data breaches. Implement these tips now and keep your business safe from these breach attacks.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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