Get Paid $5000 A Month To Lie In Bed


Our country is in dire need of a true patriot. One that can lie tilted in a bed for a 90-day period without moving off it whatsoever. That’s right, NASA is looking for its latest guinea pig so it can measure the effects of microgravity on the human body. Having to stay in bed for so long could prove to be a literal pain in the ass but the pay might be worth it.

How about it? You’ll be giving astronauts a helping hand and scoring $17,000 if you can stick it out for 90 days. Would you do it? I don’t think I’d get past a week.


About Mohit


  1. Thomas J. Pettenato

    I was born for this Job. I do not care what you want me to do as long as I can stay in bed.
    Phone # 404-403-0117

  2. I Go To Bad a Month!!!

  3. how do you go to the bathroom? i think i might do it if people could bring me things.

  4. i will lay in bed for 90 days for $5,000 a month. hook it up and yall can have first bite on a interview with me and my story.

  5. call me 904-263-0017

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