If you’ve managed to stay E3 spoiler free up until this point, you deserve all the kudos. Remaining clueless is no easy feat when you’re on the Internet. One wrong click on your favorite site could exposeyou to every known detail about the expo. Just so we’re clear: this is your wrong click. If you intend to stay blissfully ignorant about what’s to come in June, then you should leave and find a vine compilation to watch. Here bethe biggest leaks and rumors we know (so far) about this year’s E3.
Microsoft Has Gone Lone Wolf
In the past, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have shared equal space in the West Hall. Microsoft and Sony also typically host their special press conferences back-to-back on the Monday of every E3. This year we can expect a break from the mold, as Microsoft heads to the South Hall. In sacrificing square footage, Microsoft has created an exclusive Xbox location that many people are describing as special Microsoft campus. The company has also tweaked its schedule, having announced its press conference for 2 p.m. PDT on Sunday — giving it a full day head start on Sony.
We’ll See Scorpio in Action
Why cultivate a unique space and time if not to show of the latest hardware update like Project Scorpio. Though it first debuted at last year’s E3, Phil Spencer postponed its official release until the 2017 holidays. We’ll probably see Scorpio in all of its glory this year, as we expect the gaming giant will want to show off its brawny, 8-core system.
There are plenty of individuals who are doubtful of what Spencer claims the Scorpio can do; they expect it to flop just like the PS4 Pro did in running games natively in full 4K resolution. If you consider yourself one of these sceptics, you may want to hold off on pre-ordering yours until the reviews start slotting in. After all, the Xbox One is a fine system.
Of course, if you’re chomping at the bit to try out the new console, adding Project Scorpio to your Christmas list is a no-brainer. And don’t worry, if you decked out your current system in a customized decal, you can get a new Xbox skin to fit the Scorpio. That’s because decal designers like dbrand keep up with the latest upgrades, so you can continue to personalize and protect your system at every generation. These new skins will mimic the Xbox One skins from dbrand, in that you’ll have the same colors and finishes to choose from. You’ll just have to wait until the exact dimensions of Scorpio are released so they can create a tailor-made decal that fits perfectly.
Nintendo Likely to Support the Switch
Back in March Nintendo released its hybrid console Switch with massive success. Combining its handheld and home systems wasn’t a totally flawless process, but the near-perfect Zelda: Breath of the Wild more than makes up for any of the small glitches users have experienced in transitioning from one stream to the next.
At the time of its release, Switch wasn’t supported by many titles save for Breath of the Wild and several kinetic games that, though fun, were glorified Wii sports games. The latest rumors suggest Nintendo will be unveiling more of its catalogue this June, promising these new titles to be “big”. We expect this means we’ll be seeing Super Mash Bros. at E3.
Sony Focuses on Software
As the only company not releasing or supporting a new console, Sony is expected to come in hard and strong with their list of games. Death Stranding is certainly on everyone’s wish list. As much as we’re intrigued by the naked, oily, and confused Norman Reedus, we’ve been teased long enough, so it’s only fair that we see some actual gameplay beyond these trailers.
We also expect to see Red Dead Redemption 2 at E3 this year. Acting as a prequel to the Rockstar San Diego’s western action-adventure, we’ll get to see how the American frontier shaped the original characters. Other than that, not much is known about RDR2 beyond what’s shown in the trailer, which you can watch here if you didn’t catch the one that ran at Super Bowl LI. Trust us, if you have a thing for Deadwood or WestWorld then this 1 minute video will get you amped.
When it comes to E3, there are a lot of hearsay and unconfirmed leaks to parse through, but the above rumors are likely to see their fulfillment this June. Of course, we won’t know until the big day itself, so keep your eyes peeled for the first reports to come out June 13th to see if we were right.