When I’m browsing through Craigslist, I’m not looking for a new roommate or a new job. I’m looking for a hummer. Unfortunately for me, Craigslist has reached an agreement with 40 state AGs and has decided to tame its infamous ?erotic services? listings. Sucks to be the guy looking for “quality” prostitutes online.
When the Attorney General of Connecticut sent a letter to Craigslist demanding that it purge its site of illegal activity, CEO of Craigslist, Jim Buckmaster, agreed. So, what’s Craigslist going to do to keep the hookers out? Craigslist is now asking that advertisers provide valid identification. Erotic services vendors will be charged a small fee for each ad and will be required to use a credit card for the payment. As we all know, hookers have no credit. Problem solved.