
Vaping Should Taste Good: 7 Simple Ways to Fix a Burned Vape


One of the most common problems that new and intermediate vapers deal with is a burned taste when vaping. The burned taste might start to creep in after you’ve been using a coil for a while, or it could happen immediately with a new coil. A burned vape is particularly problematic for a new vaper because, if you’re new to ...

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Life Lessons You Can Pick Up While Watching Anime

Rich life

You have an awesome addiction if you are fixated on watching Japanese cartoons at the at the site. This is actually an excellent obsession to cultivate once you are done with your daily responsibilities. Watching anime is a great way to unwind after a long day at work. With its fun themes, exciting scenes, compelling storylines, and amazing visuals, it ...

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Does Smoking Marijuana Kill Your Brain Cells?


With the US elections coming up in November 2020, a lot of voters seem to be gravitating towards pot-friendly candidates. By pot-friendly, I mean anyone who thinks recreational use of marihuana is not a problem and is willing to legalize weed in the state.  Whereas, lawmakers in some states like New Jersey have preferred to let the voters decide whether ...

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Life after Work-Related Injury


Having an injury does affect every one of us. We are not only talking about the pain it brings – we are especially talking about the impact our injury can bring us in the future. This depends on the type and severity of the injury (or illness) you got. A fractured arm is certainly worse than a broken (not cut) ...

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4 Ways You Can Treat Acid Reflux


If you regularly suffer from a frustrating burning sensation in your throat, you may have a gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – also known as acid reflux. But with so much misinformation available online, knowing how to treat this common condition isn’t as straightforward as you’d think.  What is Acid Reflux? According to Healthline, 15 to 30 percent of the U.S. ...

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Here’s Some Great Facts About CBD


Looking for a natural way to treat pain? CBD has your back. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the two major chemical compounds found in marijuana. The other is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. They are both cannabinoids. However, THC is the psychoactive element of marijuana, and taking it is what leads to feeling ‘high’. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive ...

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What to do if You’re Injured at Work

Workplace injury

In an ideal world, all of us would be able to go to work without having to worry about getting hurt. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Many people work in dangerous jobs where there is a significant risk of injury, and even those who don’t have some chance of becoming injured. When this happens to you, it’s often hard to ...

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5 Things You Should Do After A Car Accident

Car accident

Every motorist should drive safe abiding by the traffic rules and regulations. However, if you, unfortunately, get involved in a car accident, do not panic. Take a moment to see if you and other people in the vehicle have sustained any physical injuries. Subsequently, get out of your car and assess it for damage. Now, you can start with the ...

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Being a Stoner is Better than Being a Drinker

Mental health

The discussion over the selection of the lesser of the two evils, Whiskey or Weed, has been going on for ages. Both assert an impact on human anatomy. There has been ample amount of research that has been done on the effects of alcohol on the human body, but the same cannot be said about the science of cannabis which ...

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How Your Pet Will Change Your Life

Life with pet

All those who have watched “Marley and Me” know exactly what I am talking about when I mention pet parents and how a lot of couples think of being a pet parents before they become parents. Having a pet, whether you live with your family, with your spouse, or you live alone, can change your life in so many ways. ...

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