
Rock Band To Get Nearly 5000 Tracks This Year

According to Billboard, the ever-popular Rock Band is due to get “as many as 5000” new tracks this year via downloadable content. The report comes as I completed “…And Justice For All” on Expert at 100% last night. Harmonix has already released over 500 songs for the Rock Band series, putting it way above the number of tracks Guitar Hero: ...

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Google Unveils Offline Gmail

Google continues to inspire and amaze. The Mountain View, California-based company unveiled yesterday the ability to read and compose Gmail while offline. It’s available through the Google Labs feature within Gmail and when activated, starts downloading 10,000 emails to the user’s hard drive using Google Gears technology. Once finished, you’ll be able to search for emails and read them, as ...

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Quick Review: SmartRSS 2 For The iPhone/iPod Touch

I was asked by the developers of SmartRSS 2 to play around with it before its release on the iTunes App Store. The software, released by Visuamobile, is one of the best RSS readers I’ve used period, let alone for an iPhone. It’s very quick and although it lags up at times, this is expected when you’re grabbing hundreds of ...

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Joel Johnson Visits Electro-Harmonix

Any guitarist with an array of pedals most likely has one from Electro-Harmonix. The Long Island City-based company (represent!) allowed Boing Boing’s Joel Johnson in for a video tour of the factory and the results are a spectacle to behold. Did you know that Electro-Harmonix is the largest manufacturer of vacuum tubes in the world? Neither did I. Check it ...

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Solve A Rubix Cube With Your iPhone

The iPhone never ceases to amaze. This time around, Apple’s wondertoy is busy solving a Rubik’s Cube as seen in the above video. You simply take a picture of your unsolved cube, the software, CubeCheater, analyzes the colors and then gives you step-by-step solutions on how to solve the cube. Quite amazing that you can just whip out a cellphone, ...

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Emoji: Turn Your iPhone Up To 11

Yesterday, around 9:50am, I received a text message on my iPhone 3G. I opened it up and lo and behold, what do I see? A fish, a soccer ball and a traffic light. What the fuck could this be? After asking my friend how he sent images like that via SMS, he soon explained to me that these were Emoji, ...

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Apple Locks In Multi-Touch Patent

Palm and other smartphone manufacturers are super-fucked right now. “Why?” you ask? It’s quite simple, really. See, Steve Jobs and his crew at Apple designed and invented multi-touch gesturing on a device. Don’t believe me? Might want to check out United States Patent Number 7,479,949, which states: “Touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands by applying ...

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Best Buy Releases API

I don’t know how I should feel about this. I’m very scared and feel very confused. In a move that is very unlike them, Best Buy decided to open up its entire product catalog to developers via an API. Dubbed “Remix,” the API will allow developers to earn affiliate cash by using Best Buy’s images, information and, of course, online ...

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Gordon Freeman In Lego-Life 2

Headcrabs, crowbars and G Men, oh my! This is a pretty nifty diorama made entirely out of LEGOs. It features the cast of Valve’s ultra-popular Half-Life 2. I’m really enjoying the blood on the wall and I’m really curious as to who designed that headcrab sucking on some face towards the bottom. Link

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