5 Means To Use Print Marketing for the Promotion of Digital Business

Print marketing

Print marketing is one of the top 3 paid advertising methods with a 57% market share according to the CMI’s B2B Content Marketing Report. It is also one of the most economical marketing strategies for the promotion of your business products and services. It can cost less than digital marketing in some cases and is worth the effort and time spent. Let’s take a look at the 5 ways to use print marketing for business promotion:

Using QR Codes

Marketers have found a direct connection between print marketing and digital media thanks to the widespread use of smart gadgets. An admirable example of this correlation is QR codes, which are effectively used to connect people from the print medium to the online platform. Today, QR codes are popularly used in print marketing for directing the audience to a website, play audio/video and share status on social media.

QR codes are scanned by consumers for further details through smartphones while reading the printed material. This helps to drive traffic to online business campaigns relevant to any industry. You can track these campaigns to gather important user details like when and where the consumers are interacting with the printed material. Creative QR codes are also available to further grab user attention and can be printed on any material. In short, QR codes bridge the gap between print marketing and the digital spectrum.

Using Social Media

Social media is a lucrative medium for a quick outreach. Print materials are social by nature since print marketing campaigns offer a direct interaction with consumers. Entrepreneurs have started printing social media profiles such as Instagram username, Twitter handle etc, on the business cards. Social media can take your printed marketing campaigns to the next level based on the number of followers. This works perfectly for directing traffic from print to digital and vice versa.

Using Call to Actions

Printed material is passively designed to increase brand awareness. Embedding call to actions (CTAs) in printed materials encourages consumers to visit a website or social media profile pages. You can also use special codes to direct more traffic to your services be it digital marketing, web design or anything else.

Using Direct Mail

The increased use of email has almost replaced the culture of direct mailing. This gives a perfect opportunity to use a creative printed piece to stand out in the stack of a few mails. You can work with a graphic designer specializing in print to work on colors, size, paper weight, packaging etc to make an impact on your audience. If you cannot do it yourself, better to check the creative print enhancement solutions. Choose an inspirational message to grab recipient’s attention and lure him/her into trying a new service free, signing up for a demo or to using a discount coupon.


Sharing giveaways with a logo printed on them is a successful print marketing strategy for any business. It helps to increase exposure through the targeted traffic. 3D printing is also making a lot of buzz and can be used for printing specific products, which are otherwise unavailable in the market to be shared as a promotional strategy with consumers.


Printing will never die and print marketing has the potential to achieve your business goals including brand awareness, increased online traffic and sales. All that is needed from your end is an effective strategy relevant to your products, aimed at the interests of your targeted audience. Brainstorm to find exciting new ways of attracting audience through print media and do not forget to create unique printing materials to help your brand stand out from the rest of the competition.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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