Tag Archives: Digital marketing

Digital Marketing in the Modern Age

Digital Marketing in the Modern Age

In the past few years, marketing overall has undergone a tremendous yet drastic transformation. Where traditional marketing on one hand was effective and impactful but time consuming, wherein with the evolution of the digital era this impact has changed. Businesses are competing with one another on a day-to-day basis and digital media or platforms are playing the major role in ...

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Organic Vs. Paid Traffic: Which Is The Most Valuable?

organic traffic

A debate that has gone on for many years in the digital marketing arena is which out of organic and paid traffic is the most valuable for businesses. If you are exploring your options and don’t know where to begin, give this article a quick read and we’ll share some insights. What is Paid Traffic? Paid traffic refers to all ...

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5 Means To Use Print Marketing for the Promotion of Digital Business

Print marketing is one of the top 3 paid advertising methods with a 57% market share according to the CMI’s B2B Content Marketing Report. It is also one of the most economical marketing strategies for the promotion of your business products and services. It can cost less than digital marketing in some cases and is worth the effort and time ...

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Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing


Marketing is an integral part of building a business and is focused entirely on communication. In fact, it has the power to make or break a brand entirely depending on the approach or rather lack of thereof. Traditional marketing strategies have evolved over time to adapt to the needs of the consumers and technology has played a huge role in ...

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