If you’ve ever seen this error message – unable to connect to host on port 57573 after 45000 ms, and panicked, don’t worry. This article is here to set your mind at ease. It is a commonly occurring problem and can just as easily be dealt with.
This usually happens because of compatibility issues between your web browser and Selenium software versions. If you don’t know what Selenium is, that’s okay too. We’ll cover all of this and how to fix this mismatch that’s causing the connection problem.
Let’s decode what this means!
What is
Errors like are extremely common and can happen because of a variety of reasons. However, one of the main causes is compatibility issues. This mismatch can be between your web browser and a version of the Selenium software, or between certain versions of Selenium itself.
If you’re wondering what Selenium software is, it is a tool used to automate web browsers. So, issues like can occur when there are problems with either your system or the software setup.

Common Causes of Failures
There are several reasons why this error could be showing up on your screen. The main reason could be that you’re trying to access a server through the wrong port. It’s like using the keys to your car to open your house! Basically, what happens is that your web server can’t use port 80 because it’s busy with another application. So, you need to find another available port.
Another reason why this happens is because you’re using the wrong port number. Your web server won’t work if the port is already being used by another application. So, check which ports are available to avoid this problem.
If you don’t have the right permissions, your connection could fail. By not having access to the right files or directories on your local web server, you won’t be able to gain access to the server.
Finally, the reason why this error is occurring could be because of your Windows firewall. Sometimes, it might block access because it doesn’t recognise your web server as safe. It might block it, thereby causing connectivity issues.

Troubleshooting for
There are several ways you can troubleshoot this error and get your web server up and running.
1. Change the port number
You can fix the issue on your web browser by changing the port number. Follow these steps in your Apache web server:
- Stop the web server: If your server (WAMP or XAMPP) is running, stop it immediately.
- Open the configuration file: In your WAMP or XAMPP installation, open the “httpd.conf” file.
- Find and change port settings: Look for the lines that say “Listen 80” and “Server Name localhost:80.” Once you’ve found this, change the port number from 80 to 8080. This should help prevent issues with other applications.
- Save the file: Save these changes you just made to the “httpd.conf” file.
- Restart your server: Restart the server by opening the control panel for WAMP or XAMPP, depending on the server you’ve chosen for this task.
- Check for running services: If WAMP does not start properly, it’s because it wasn’t fully stopped before. So, open Task Manager and make sure no WAMP processes are running. If there are, then stop them and relaunch WAMP again.
2. Restart LXSSManager Service for WSL
To fix your WSL issues, you must first restart the LXSS Manager Service. Here’s how to do that:
- Press the Windows key and the letter R together to open the Run box.
- Type in SERVICES.MSC and press Enter.
- Look for LXSSMANAGER in the list of services that will appear.
- Right click on LXSSMANAGER and click on Restart.
This will ensure that your WSL problems are resolved and that your web server runs smoothly.
3. Access Localhost Using Port
Here’s how you can access your local server:
- Open your web browser.
- In the address bar, type “localhost:X” where X is the port number. For example, “localhost:8080”
- Press Enter.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What does refer to?
This is the loopback address on a computer that is used for testing network connections. Port 57573 is a specific communication channel on that loopback address that refers to compatibility issues between Selenium servers and your web browser.
- Why am I seeing connection failures on
Firewall settings, port conflicts, or issues with the application or service trying to communicate through that port cause connection failures.
- How do I troubleshoot connection errors on
Troubleshooting involves checking firewall rules, ensuring the service/application is running and configured correctly, checking for port conflicts, and examining logs for error messages.
- What are common error messages related to
Common errors include “Connection refused,” “Connection timed out,” or specific application or service errors indicating failure to establish a connection.

While the error message may be annoying to deal with, fixing it is a piece of cake. There are several ways you can manage this issue and your compatibility problems with Selenium servers will be solved. While you may not necessarily know what this server does, it is integral for your browser to run.