Tag Archives: jail

Dear Diary, Today I Dropped The Soap: Blogging from Prison with P:log

Some prisons already have computer centers, but where’s the true grit? Where’s the crucifix-knife shankings and the soap droppings? Where are the horror stories we’ve heard about from our own brains fellow crime breakers? P:log, designed by Yejin Mun, is a self-contained blogging station for inmates, allowing prisoners to share tales from their daily doings with friends and families. P:log ...

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Jail-made Cross Knife: Shank a Punk and Be Saved All In One

A German prisoner had a score to settle, but he realized there was no way to hide a weapon unless he could devise some sort of evil plan. So, with little other option, the German criminal created a hallowed-out wooden cross with an attached shiv. Though the plan seemed fool-proof, the German prisoner must have been a world-class fool. His ...

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