Tag Archives: hacks

Bottle Armor Would Lead To a Swift And Gruesome Death In Battle

Designer Kosuke Tsumura may be skilled when it comes to developing unique clothing – but when it comes to functional body armor he’s a little of the mark. The plastic PET bottle armor was made at the request of the Coca Cola company as some sort of promotion for recycling. I doubt that the military would be interested in this, ...

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Xbox Controller Geek Bong

We’re not exactly sure how this was done or the origin of the idea, since this image came off of a myspace profile, but one thing is for sure. One geeky pot head has way too much time on his hands. To be perfectly honest, I would much rather be playing with that controller than smoking out of it. Thanks ...

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GTA Mod: Anime, Schoolgirls, MGS, and Pikachu Getting Blown Away

If controlling the Lucky Star girls and blowing away armed Pikachus and a MGS hovercycle riding Doraemon with an uzi sounds appealing to you (and I know it does) check out the video in the link below. It’s very satisfying to say the least – not to mention weird as hell. � Sean Fallon Link [via]

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Nerd Auction Exchanges Computer Skills For Makeover, Dates

The Linux Users Group at Washington State University is hoping to bankroll their computer skills in exchange for the possibility, albeit remote, of finally touching a boob. The president of the group writes: “You can buy a nerd and he’ll fix your computer, help you with stats homework, or if you’re really adventurous, take you to dinner!” The group is ...

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DIY Car Meter Computer Case: One Of The Coolest I’ve Seen

When it comes to computer case mods, it doesn’t get much better than this. Dashboard gauges modified to display info on RAM, CPU and HDD usage all packed in a sweet looking exterior. There isn’t any written instructions on how to do this yourself, but there are plenty of images detailing the steps. A few of those images can be ...

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Chinese Phone Developed From iPhone Rejects

I’m sure you will agree that this Chinese phone looks like some sort of twisted offspring of the iPod and iPhone. In fact, it seems very likely that the product was inspired by some early iPhone designs. It even has a 2MP camera and some built-in speakers – but that’s where the similarities to the actual iPhone end. Other features ...

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Hide A Hard Drive In a UPS For Undercover Downloading

In today’s world, leaving all of your illegally downloaded movies and music out for every RIAA or MPAA exec to see is just plan stupid. And that doesn’t even include all of the freaky porn you have collected. Fortunately, if you have an old UPS lying around, a simple hack can turn it into a fully functional hard drive. And ...

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Walking Head Combines Fear Of Spiders With Fear Of Creepy Autonomous Robots

Even if you don’t appreciate art, you can’t deny that this Walking Head Robot by Australian artist Stelarc is captivating. Among other features, the Walking Head has a scanning ultra-sound sensor that detects a human presence. When a person does enter the gallery, it will stand and go through a pre-programmed series of movements – using its tilt sensor system ...

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