Tag Archives: British Library

British Library ponders video game archive

The British Library is the original deposit library: as with the Library of Congress in the United States, publishers are required to deposit copies of works distributed under their imprint. Now, according to a report in The Independent, the British Library is considering extending the 350-year-old idea of the deposit library from books to video games, creating a permanent record of the gaming industry in Britain.

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Physical Tweet-O-Meter Wall Tracks Real-Time Tweeting Activity of Major Cities

Those of you interested in the anthropological patterns of social networking might want to plan a trip to British Library�s Growing Knowledge exhibition, where CASA’s (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis) Tweet-O-Meter currently calls its home. The Tweet-O-Meeter is a real-time analog monitoring system that tracks the current Twitter activity of 9 major cities. The machine was developed to help better ...

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