Finally a Useful Solution For Gaming on the iPad

Using your thumbs to manipulate a virtual joystick is about as intuitive as ice-skating on gravel. The Fling, pictured right, offers a stupid simple solution to gaming with your thumbs on the iPad.

Using a pair of suction cups to adhere to the iPad’s screen, the Fling can be placed overtop any directional pad that may appear on the screen. This allows for the user to experience the comfortable feeling of that rubbery nub on their thumb when manipulating the movement of digital characters. It appears to be a simple, and intuitive solution to the frustration many gamers have been expressing �over the lack of traditional physical buttons on the iPad for certain games.

The Fling will set frustrated gamers back $19.95 for a single suction cup joystick, or $29.95 for a two pack.�Ten One Design, Fling’s creator, is also the creator of the capacitive touchscreen stylus for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad seems to have found a niche in the iPad/mobile gaming market. Since most tablets and modern touch screens use the same capacitive technology, their products will work with �a Xoom, Galaxy S Tablet, BlackBerry Playbook, and any other slate shaped computing device.

Here’s to profiting off of�opposable�thumbs. Cheers.


About Mohit

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