DIYs & Mods

Solar Donkey Kong Junior

This adorable solar toy is bound to entertain you for — an hour, tops. Still, it’s a neat little gizmo you purchase for 20 dollars and build yourself. It’s a solar powered monkey which climbs to its plastic heart’s content. When the monkey is placed in sunlight it’ll derive power from the sun enabling it to climb the rope, hand ...

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Hella Cool: DIY V12 Lamborghini Diablo

Look, I could sit here and tell you all about how this guy went and built a shed in his backyard. And then in said shed, he built a V12 Lamborghini replica from scratch. Yeah, I could tell you all about it, or you could read it for yourself at this Englishman‘s fine website, He’s even posted instructions on ...

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Slow Motion Ornithopter

Seeing this video makes me hope that one day I’ll be flying in a giant robotic butterfly. Researchers in Japan are working on this small ornithopter, a flying device with wings that are modeled after those of a butterfly. The idea is to one day have commercial airplanes with flapping-wing flight just like birds. Above is a high speed video ...

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Hooray For A Very Happy Up And Coming New Year Event

Looking for a way to impress all of the females at your New Years party but not tech savvy enough to make your own robot? Well, there will be plenty of champagne at your party, so why not turn those wasted corks into miniature chairs. The girls will think they’re cute and by showing them your creative side — the ...

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Etsy: Plush 5.25-inch Disks

Coffee stains on your tables are not cool. Etsy, however, is. That’s why you should check out these plush coasters from Jocelyn Kelly. She designed them to resemble those old 5.25-inch floppy disks from back in the day. And I’m talking way back in the day. The set comes with black, grey, yellow, red, blue and green disks and will ...

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Drawdio: Drawing Music

Once in awhile, I come across an invention that blows my mind in terms of creativity and functionality. Jay Silver’s Drawdio most certainly fits into that category. Drawdio is a pencil that has a simple synthesizer hooked up to the graphite. Based on the conductivity of graphite, drawing on paper will produce various different sounds creating a one-of-a-kind music experience. ...

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Munny Tusken Raider

Vince’s roommate is really in to Kidrobot‘s Munny dolls. For those not familiar, they’re blank “Do-it-Yourself” vinyl figures which can be decorated any way you see fit. When I’m not ruining Vince’s roommates Mini Munny designs, I’m busy searching for Star Wars Munnys like the one toy customizer and 3D artist for Avalanche Studios, Squapper, has made. It’s a Tusken ...

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HOW TO: Build Your Own Net Launcher

For our readers who hunt wild game or just live in an area with cool shit they’d like to capture, listen up. Instructables user Crispyjones has posted full details on how to make your own net-launching gun, just like the kind Batman used. It’s comprised of PVC pipe and uses pressurized air to launch the net at around 90 PSI. ...

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A LEGO Star Wars Nativity Scene

Merry Christmas! What? It’s not Christmas yet? Forgive me, I’m Jewish. Here’s a nativity scene done with Star Wars LEGOs that brightened my day. Luke and Leia are collectively baby Jesus and even the infamous IG-88 makes an appearance. The creator of this nativity scene, Larry Lars, advises that anyone trying make their own should “find balance” between the traditional ...

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Make Your Own Wii Games With MoteDaemon

Here’s a bitchin’ application for Adobe Flash/Flex developers. It’s called MoteDaemon and it’s kind of like Matt Damon except it allows you to create Wiimote-controlled applications for OS X. Now, you too can create your very own sub par Nintendo Wii games for your Mac. To make your experience of making lousy games for old people and kids even easier, ...

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