
Gmail Unveils Mail Goggles

I had to check and make sure the calendar wasn’t nearing April 1st when I first read about Google’s Mail Goggles. It seems like such a silly idea that I figured someone was just messing with me. I seem to be wrong, though. Mail Goggles is a new feature designed to keep you from sending emails in a drunken state ...

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Trippy iPod Is By No Means Portable

Either I’m on some awesome drugs that�I don’t know about or the Russian artists who designed this oversized iPod are. OK, I just gave myself a blood test; I’m sober. That means that both Aristarkh Chernyshev and Alexei Shulgin are out of their skulls for crafting this large, warped, fully-functional iPod. It looks like they put a giant iPod in ...

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Robotic Cucumber Hand Goes Great With Ranch Dressing

Haven’t you always wished that Mrs. Butterworth would come to life, just so you could catch her and suck the syrupy blood from her veins? That’s almost the reasoning behind MAYA working with two edible forms of robotics: the NanoKrispies, a mobile human-shaped Rice Krispie treat and the more recent work; a poseable hand made from cucumbers. So far, what ...

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Let’s Tap: The Next Brilliant Idea From Nintendo

Everyone has been holding their breath for the next eye-popping accessory to hit the Nintendo Wii. I just can’t get enough of great products like the Wii MotionPlus and Wii Sqweeze. Those are two accessories you�simply can’t miss out on. If you’re a Nintendo fanboy, then you’ll be excited to hear the news of Nintendo’s latest brilliant idea. It’s called ...

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Beer Filled USB Drive Might Get Skunked

When American beer meets data storage, the match almost seems like it was meant to be. Well, it wasn’t. Have you ever had beer spill onto a USB 2.0 device? Apparently CNK Promotions hasn’t, because it was daring enough to claim the world’s first beer-filled USB drive. While it can’t open a beer for you, it can create a sticky ...

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Can’t Ride? Sit

Supporting the Obama campaign can be tiring, unless you build your own stool out of the handlebars from your bike. Then of course, you’d ride your bike with no handlebars. Spotted on Make, Flickr user Xnedski found this Obama supporter carrying bike handlebars. As you can see, this man carries his handlebar stool everywhere. It beats wearing a garbage bag ...

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How To: Networked Graffiti Wall

If you’ve ever wanted to build your own Snake game, you could display from a building, you’ve got to start small first. Good thing Hack A Day’s Ian Lesnet lets you know how to construct a networked LED graffiti wall from scratch.� Showing off a one meter square, five by five matrix of LEDs inspired by Daft Punk, Ian thoroughly ...

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Steve Jobs Is Not Dead

The Internet can be hazardous to your health. Such is the case when some random prankster decided to fabricate a lie that said Apple CEO Steve Jobs suffered a heart attack. Shortly after, Apple’s mouthpiece stated that the rumors just simply weren’t true. Why do people make this shit up? I can think of nothing less funny than a heart ...

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