One of the major factors that deters people from purchasing an electronic car is the fact that the charge can run out. There’s always that lingering possibility that you can be stuck in the middle of nowhere without a charge. Swiss company Nation-E is attempting to quell some of those worries with Angel Car, the first mobile charging station for electronic vehicles.
A charging station located in the back of the van allows electronic cars to be juiced back into action in mere moments. The Angel Car is equipped with an on-board 230V charger which is capable of recharging a standard EV in about 15 minutes with 2-3 kWh of power, or enough to travel about 30 km (18.6 miles), which should offer enough time to reach a standard charging station. So you won’t even have to be waiting for hours to get back on the road. If more vehicles like this become prevalent, I can see the EV revolution really taking off.