Top Places to Study Away From Your Dorm

Studying in your dorm room is convenient. All of your books are in one place and you don’t have to change out of your pajamas to work on your assignments. However, you are not the only one living in the dorm, which makes it difficult to concentrate when necessary. Think of everything that is likely to happen if you open up a textbook and begin to study in the comfort of your bed. Your roommate may pop in and out of the room, your friends will know exactly where to find you if they want to talk and worst case scenario, a dorm party will break out and you will want to join on in. These possible situations do not make dorm an ideal study location. There are plenty of other locations to get your study on, but if you are out of options, you can buy a custom essay. Here are the top 5 places to study away from your dorm room:

  1. Library

Everyone knows the library is a place for silence. Since many other students are in the library with the intention of studying, there will not be loud talking happening around you. If there is, you will not be the only one asking them to be quiet as the librarians are great at making sure to keep a peaceful environment. Even better, you will not have to walk far to get another book required to complete an essay. Everything you may need is all in one room. The librarian may even have a spare pencil if you forgot your own.

  1. Computer Lab

Most colleges come with a computer lab on campus. This place is especially useful for students who do not own computers themselves. Though these rooms are not as quiet as the library, they aren’t as popular, which means you may be the only person there anyway. If there are other students around, they are most likely there for the same reason as you, to write a paper and not play computer games. The best time to use this room is in the evening as fewer students will be around.

  1. Coffee Shop

Not suggesting a busy coffee chain. There is nothing worse than trying to study when the line up is to the door and the barista is shouting out names. No, there are less popular coffee shops that can be great places to study instead. If you can find one that isn’t busy with customers needing a quick fix but still offers free wifi, then you have found a wonderful new study location. Settle down with your favorite hot drink and let the caffeine boost your motivation in finishing that dreaded essay.

  1. Park

This may not be a great place to bring your laptop and write, but you can definitely accomplish some heavy reading while also working on a tan. Bring a blanket to any lush, green space and dive into your course material. With birds chirping in the background and the bright blue sky to look up at, you will consistently turn that page while meditating on every word. Of course, this is only an ideal study location if the weather is appropriate.

  1. A Classroom

Not every classroom is used for all hours of the day. There are plenty of empty classrooms available if you need to find a little peace and quiet. Since most rooms remain unlocked throughout the day, all you need to do is find out when they are free. With an entire classroom to yourself, you can spread all of your books over various desks and complete your work, distraction free. Also, there are outlets all over the classroom, so you can keep your laptop charged while you finish writing.

Finding a quiet space to study may be difficult, but there are options available. Sometimes, you simply need to be creative and opt for a pair of ear plugs. The best thing is to try out different places to find a location that fits. Where one person may study well in a coffee shop, someone else may be distracted by the ambient noise. Every person is unique when it comes to their studying needs. Once you learn yours, you can make studying an enjoyable experience.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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