The Benefits of Cloud-Based Computing

Cloud computing, once a promising trend, has now become a ubiquitous reality that’s benefitting companies of all sizes. Its dynamic nature, its instant accessibility, its flexibility, and its cutting edge technologies have put cloud-based computing in the spotlight. Thus, it’s become a must-have for doing business in the 21st century.


In fact, cloud computing has become such an essential technology in today’s world that a recent LogicMonitor study estimates that 83% of enterprise workloads will run on the cloud by 2020. With that increasing adoption, there are numerous changes happening across industries: new ways to store data, new platforms that replace traditional desktop-based software, a bridge that gaps the distance between companies and offshore software development teams, and so on.

Cloud computing certainly is a game-changer and will continue to be so for years to come. So, if you’re part of a business that still hasn’t jumped on board with it, maybe a rundown of all the benefits it can bring will convince you.

But first – what is cloud computing?

Just so we’re on the same page, it’s important to understand what we’re referring to when talking about cloud computing (or simply “the cloud”). Basically, you can say that cloud computing consists of delivering computing resources (applications and data centers, to name a few) through the Internet, on-demand, and with a pay-as-you-go model.

Cloud computing uses scalable self-served resources that change according to the demand, provides metered services for the users to pay only what they use. In simple terms, a user accesses a platform, service or app through the Web by paying a subscription or predefined fee according to his specific needs, which can change at any time.

Most people are familiar with certain cloud computing applications and platforms, like Google Suite, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Suite, and Slack. Those examples already show the various cloud-based applications you can find. However, there’s plenty more that can be done with cloud computing, another reason why so many businesses are betting on it.

Now that we have defined what cloud computing is, it’s time to see what it can bring to your company’s table.

Benefits of cloud computing

  • Reduced investment in infrastructure: all of the applications you can get from cloud computing need a certain technological infrastructure to run. Imagine the investment you should make to get it in-house! That’s why the cloud is so beneficial for enterprises, startups and offshore development companies – they don’t have to purchase that costly cutting-edge technology to run those applications. With cloud-based solutions, you’re renting the computing resources from the cloud provider for a far smaller price and guaranteeing that you’ll access the ultimate tech available in the market.
  • Instant access from anywhere in the world: the only thing your company will need to access any of the cloud-based applications is a device with an Internet connection. With that (and by paying a fee in most cases), you’ll be able to use those apps, regardless of where you are. This is a great benefit for most companies, especially now that many of them work with home office employees, subsidiaries in other parts of the world, and even with offshore development teams in regions far removed from the company’s headquarters. All of the people working for the company can be connected with the rest of the team through cloud-based apps.
  • Increased security for your data: using cloud-based apps means that you’re putting your data on the hands of a third party. This can be troublesome for some people but don’t worry – cloud-based applications are as secure as they get. Cloud computing services are always working on new security methods to protect their consumer’s data and have reached a robust level of protection. Additionally, your data is safe in another level: it backups in remote servers. By uploading your data and work to the cloud, you’ll rest assured you’ll never lose any of it because of a server malfunction or other potential accidents you could run to if you stored it in-company.
  • Constant updates and maintenance: we’ve already mentioned the dynamic nature of cloud computing. With it, we’re referring to the cloud computing providers’ capability of constantly changing and updating their applications for all of their users. In other words, these companies are always introducing new features and technologies that can bring your company to another level. Additionally, they won’t just work on adding new things. Cloud-based apps are also maintained by their owners, which means you won’t have to worry about potential issues (such as data jams, security breaches, or buggy features).
  • High flexibility and adaptability: the cloud’s dynamic nature also implies high flexibility. This means that cloud applications can accommodate fluctuating demands for resources. Think of it like this – there might be a time of the year (or a week a month) where you need more collaborators online, to move more data, or communicate more often. Cloud computing can offer you the resources needed to handle those peaks, which you can access on-demand. Once those peaks are passed, you can scale down the resources to fit your idle times, something you wouldn’t be able to do if you had those resources and infrastructure in-company.
  • The strategic advantage over competitors: generally speaking, any business using cloud computing will certainly have a competitive edge over the competitors that aren’t using it. That’s because you don’t have to worry about system maintenance and updating, backup creation, feature development, and all the other things that come with keeping a complex platform running. When you use cloud-based apps, you can focus on core activities relevant to your business, like administrative tasks, managing human resources, or strategic marketing.

All of these benefits are the reason why cloud computing feels like an essential tool for enterprises, small companies, freelancers, and offshore software development outsourcing companies. It’s not a matter of just jumping on board because everyone else is doing it. Everyone is doing it because cloud computing provides advantages in the form of accessibility, collaboration, cutting edge tech, data security, and cost savings.

All of the above should paint a clear picture of why you need cloud computing in your business life. This is the perfect time to survey the Internet to find the right cloud-based apps and services that can fit your business. Using them can mean a breaking point for your company, so you’d better start now!

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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