Tag Archives: laptop

Laptop Desk Puts A Weird Look On Your Face

Laptops are a pain in the ass to relax with if you’re not sitting at a desk. Thankfully, there are alternatives to burning a hole in your crotch. FeDom is marketing a notebook desk with built-in 2.1 speakers as well as cooling fans. The desk is compatible with a bunch of operating systems, including those still stuck using Win98 SE. ...

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Saran Wrap For Laptops

Summer is approaching, which means you’ll want to equip all your top-of-the-line tech gear with water resistant plastic sleeves to survive those long trips on your million dollar yacht. Like Vince’s custom zip lock bag he crafted with his own sweat and tears, it protects your gadgets from…sweat and tears; oh, also rain. While not completely water proof (due to ...

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Make Your Own Velcro Laptop Case

With the state of our economy, people are looking for all sorts of ways to save money and pinch pennies. After all, coming up with a budget can be just the thing you need to get settled. Cut back on spending by designing and making your own velcro-based laptop case, like the one above found on isoglossia’s Flickr page. Even ...

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Cheap Touch Screen In 2010

The OLPC movement is�better known for its $100 laptops that sport Windows XP. �A new line of laptops, said to be released in 2010, is probably the cheapest touch screen laptop ever. For only $75, �this laptop comes with no keyboard, as opposed to the computer that cuts out the middle man. Better yet, it has�a fold�out, dual touchscreen, designed ...

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Windows XP Coming to OLPC XO

Rumor has it that everyone’s favorite OS is making its way to the OLPC XO this year. According to reports, testing is to begin in June to determine if Windows XP is a viable solution for XO laptops. If all goes well, you could be picking up an XO laptop by September. The existing OS, Sugar Linux, will not be ...

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Green Lantern Beware: I’ve Got A Yellow Laptop Case

Nothing screams, “I’m holding a laptop, rob me!” more than this bright yellow vinyl laptop case by 25togo of Taiwan. The case is a classic take on a computer icon except, it’s really yellow. The kind of yellow looking folders you’d get if you had a 13-year old CRT monitor on the verge of its demise. The International Contemporary Furniture ...

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BUILT Laptop Backpack Could Very Well Be Body Armor

I’m loving the look of this laptop bag from BUILT, an small NYC-based company. Part carrying case, part kevlar vest, the Laptop Backpack is made from lightweight Neoprene that keeps your precious Macbook Air secure and safe. No word if it has room for a huge Apple AC adaptor but if you’re in a pinch, you can easily downsize. BUILT ...

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Get Your Mits On A Laptop Bag From Space

It’s no Starship Enterprise souvenir, but the ISS Soyuz Laptop Bag is a pretty decent alternative. The bag is constructed with pieces of the landing parachute from the 2004 Soyuz TMA-3 mission to the International Space Station, meaning this is the Real McCoy. The hot shit. A bag your fancy portable computer can fit in. There’s also a small case ...

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Laptop Literature: The Future Of Books

Once upon a time, there were volumes of bound pages which were called books. People use to read these “books” to gain the knowledge of the world, or even just as a quite night in bed. Ever since the dawning of the Internet age, book reading has taken a sudden nose dive, thanks to the instant gratification of RSS and ...

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Body-Laptop Wooly Jumper Puts You In Your Own Little World

Distractions are everywhere. While there have been many attempts at providing us with our own personal space, many fall short, looking totally unpractical. The Body-Laptop Wooly Jumper is exactly one of those sort of creations. Mixing the ingenuity of the Glovers and the Office Collar, the Wooly Jumper attempts to create your own personal laptop force-field, at the expense of ...

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