Tag Archives: inflate

Pet Collar Flotation Device To Replace Noah’s Ark

Paranoid pet owners rejoice! No longer should you fear scenarios such as biblical floods. With this collar you and your dog will be prepared for anything. Remarkably, the collar is illuminated by LEDs around the neck to make finding your pet during the nighttime an ease. This feature is solar-powered, however, so at night it might not even work. Bummer. ...

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It’s Not A Party Until Somebody Pops the Salad Bar

Now you can complete that dream picnic you’ve always wanted with your very own inflatable salad bar. Blow it up, throw some ice in it and you’re set to keep your veggies cold while you and your friends get wasted and stumble around on your lawn. It’s only $30 and doubles as a flotation device/sperm catcher. You call it an ...

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Part Mouse, Part Flotation Device

While this mouse might not be able to save you after your plane plummets into the ocean, the Jelly Click does offer a whole new level of portable peripherals. All of the electronic components are housed on a flexible circuit board which allows the mouse to be folded up when not in use. When you’re in need of the Jelly ...

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