South Korean Skyscraper Experiences �Mystery Tremors�

Starting at 10:10am on July 5th, a 39 story office building in South Korea started to experience severe tremors. Around 3,000 people were evacuated, as it was feared the area was experiencing an earthquake. However, once people were outside, they discovered — there was no earthquake. Instead, the entire building had been shaking for no discernable reason.

The tremors continued for over 10 minutes, and were severe enough to justify evacuating all vendors and customers in the building. There were 500 merchants who were evacuated from their stores once the tremors began.

The Korea Meteorological Administration reported that they didn�t detect any trace of seismological activity in the area. To try to discern the reason for the unexplainable tremors, a thorough safety inspection will be conducted of the building in question.

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