Reasons Why No One Is Visiting Your Law Firm Website

Reasons Why No One Is Visiting Your Law Firm Website

When most law firms think of digital marketing, building a website is usually at the top of the list. This is with the expectation that potential clients will eventually find their site, notice their firm, and ultimately, convert into paying customers. 

Unfortunately, this does not always happen. And it’s at this point most law firm owners give up the idea of website marketing altogether to try a different approach to winning clients. What they fail to consider is that it’s possible to identify the reasons for their low traffic, and solve the problem once and for all. 

This is also why it’s important to hire a website design company because such problems are unlikely to arise in the first place. Read on to learn a few possible reasons why no one is visiting a law firm’s website.

Your Website Isn’t Optimized for Search Engines

Optimizing a website for search engines may include a handful of tactics that collectively aim at ranking the site among the top entries on SERPs (search engine page results). You’ve probably heard a staggering percentage of people don’t go beyond the first page of search results; It’s no different for law firms.

If you’ve not invested in SEO (search engine optimization), there’s little chance your law firm website will be visible to potential clients.

Your Website Takes too Long to Load

We all hate waiting. And it’s worse for a general internet user because they have infinite options to find answers to their questions. If a site takes too long to load, visitors are not going to wait around. Instead, they’ll look for legal solutions elsewhere.

Improving a website’s speed can get overly technical especially when the problem requires a developer. Consider hiring a law firm website design company to accurately detect the issue and ensure your site is loading fast.

Poor Website Design

Just like in any industry, website design for lawyers is important to attract and keep visitors engaged. Even if a site loads fast, poor design is going to turn people away just as quickly.

Visitors that leave quickly increase the site’s overall bounce rate, which notifies search engines the website has a problem, plummeting the search rankings.

It’s crucial to identify the ideal colors and fonts to use during the design phase. Both elements should best represent your law firm’s values and culture hopefully to evoke the intended emotions and decisions from site visitors. 

Similarly, website images should be attractive, relevant, and blend in seamlessly with other components on the site.

Your Law Firm Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

More and more people are now using mobile devices when looking for services or just browsing the internet. Therefore, there’s an emphasis for web designers to ensure their sites are responsive or friendly to all types of screens. 

This means the website scales smoothly on different screen resolution sizes such as desktop, laptop, or mobile phone.

Your Content Doesn’t Add Any Value

It’s rare for visitors to stumble on your legal content and decided to stay. They are there because they have questions and search engine results led them to your site. 

If your content does not answer their questions, they are going to look for solutions elsewhere. The outcome is a high bounce rate and ultimately, poor search engine rankings

How do you create legal content that adds value? Consider researching the problems your audience is experiencing and address them through your content.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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