Finally Getting a Motorcycle? Here’s What You Should Know

Longing for the wind on your face, speeding down country roads? So, you decided to take the plunge and buy yourself a sweet two-wheeled motorcycle.

While owning a motorcycle has plenty of benefits, as with everything in life, it also comes with responsibilities. Some specific laws and regulations come with driving a motorcycle that doesn’t apply to other vehicles.

Before you go ahead and get a motorcycle, make sure to consider these four important points.

1) Secure a Motorcycle License

Did you think driving a motorcycle doesn’t require a license? Well, think again. Regardless of the state you reside in, you need to have a motorcycle permit or license. 

Drivers over 18 are often eligible to get a motorcycle license or endorsement without getting a permit first. A motorcycle license is a standalone certification for driving a motorcycle. On the other hand, an endorsement is affixed to a regular license and grants similar privileges as a motorcycle license. 

Usually, getting a license or permit will involve taking a safety course, a written exam, and a road exam. Just having a regular driver’s license will not suffice. You may need to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in your area to learn about all the permits you need to secure.

2) Adhere to Road Rules

Once you’re out driving your motorcycle, you’ll be far more exposed to dangers than driving a car. Knowing and obeying the rules of the road can make a big difference in keeping you safe. Moreover, ensure you don’t violate any laws that can get you pulled over or cause an accident. 

Be on the lookout for things you see and don’t see

You need to put 100 percent of your attention when driving. Sometimes, we tend to be occupied with our thoughts when we’re on the road. As a result, we forget we’re actually driving, and one wrong calculation may lead to a road accident.

Always look where you’re going and prepare for what other vehicles might do. You need to be able to think and act quickly in situations that’ll compel you to either put on the brakes or swerve. For instance, you have to stop if someone’s about to cross the street and avoid it if there’s an open maintenance hole. 

If you’re ever in an accident and can’t get proper compensation, seek help from a motorcycle accident attorney. This personal injury portal shows what you should do if you’re hit by another vehicle or unintentionally cause another driver to get hurt. 

3) Ensure Protection

Never ride your motorcycle without wearing a helmet. This protective gear is your lifeline. Wearing helmets can mitigate such dangers if you and a passenger experience a crash or get struck in the head.

Wear your helmet properly

Sure, you have a helmet and perhaps a pair of shin guards. But are you wearing them properly? Some lazy motorcycle drivers just wear helmets to avoid getting pulled over. 

Is the helmet the right size for your head and properly buckled? Your helmet should fit you well, or it won’t be able to protect your head in case of an untoward accident. Your helmet can reduce the risk of head injuries by about 69 percent

Practice defensive driving

Defensive driving is smart driving. Defensive drivers consciously make efforts to reduce the dangers aligned with driving. While you can’t fully prepare for an accident, you can prevent it from happening.

Stay away from tailgating, especially since it can be tempting when driving a small vehicle that is easier to manage. Always maintain enough space around you when driving. This space will give you ample room to brake or swerve and extra time to make decisions. 

Think of others’ safety

Being a responsible driver means you should also think about the safety of others. Make sure no one gets in trouble with every move you make on the road. Remember, if an accident occurs, you’re not only liable for your well-being but for others as well. 

While speeding your bike is indeed an amazing feeling, it’s not only you that wants to travel fast. Risking yourself and endangering others’ safety is never worth the speed. 

4) Maintain Your Motorcycle

It doesn’t matter how good you are at driving your motorcycle. If your motorcycle isn’t in its best condition on the road, it can still pose a danger. Just as cars need tune-ups from time to time, your motorcycles will need them too. 

Consult a local mechanic to know the basic maintenance that your new vehicle will need. Understanding the maintenance frequency can help you save up and prepare for upcoming costs. 

Driving Comes With Great Responsibility

Owning a vehicle and being capable of driving does sound cool. But with a great vehicle also comes great responsibilities. 

Remember that motorcycle laws and regulations are put in place to keep you safe. Think about the four points mentioned before buying a motorcycle so you know what you’re getting into with open eyes.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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