
Panasonic Gel Remote Concept

Late night. Your girl is over. You’ve made it to first base and it’s been wonderful watching Wild Things but now you need to step it up. Grab the gel remote your cousin at Panasonic R&D sent you. Pause the movie right when Denise Richards is getting naked and look your babe right in the eye. Take the remote, slip ...

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Crack A Cold One Open With Your Tools

When you combine beer and tools, men just can’t help but get excited. That’s why this cheap $18 bottle opener set is the perfect gift for your boyfriend or husband. Watch the look of joy on his face appear as he realizes you haven’t gotten him the standard Craftsman fare, but a powerful set of beer-crackers. So crack a cold ...

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Circuit Board Card Case

The holidays have come and gone but chances are, you still have a few gift cards sitting in your wallet. Speaking of your wallet, we’ve got to talk. It’s simply too ratty and dull for a person of your stature to use for carrying business cards in. Do you want creases and bends all over those beautiful new cards you ...

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Notepad iPod Cases For The Closet Sleuth

Half iPod case, half notepad and all business sums up this $27 dollar iPod Nano 3G peripheral from Scripta. Whenever I’m in a Vic Mackey kind of mood, I know this case will come in handy. It helps me keep tabs on my informants and trust me, I have a lot of them*. Whether it’s keeping track of incriminating evidence ...

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Etsy: Plush 5.25-inch Disks

Coffee stains on your tables are not cool. Etsy, however, is. That’s why you should check out these plush coasters from Jocelyn Kelly. She designed them to resemble those old 5.25-inch floppy disks from back in the day. And I’m talking way back in the day. The set comes with black, grey, yellow, red, blue and green disks and will ...

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Magnetic iPhone Lenses

While I’m not quite sure why anyone would consider the iPhone as an acceptable camera, perhaps some of you would beg to differ. Consider picking up these three lenses from USB Fever that will add a little kick to your photos. There’s a fisheye lens, a wide-angle lens, and a telephoto lens that all attach to your iPhone’s camera magnetically. ...

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Nintendo To Launch Wii Video Service In �09

Dentsu Inc, Japan�s largest advertising agency, is aiding Nintendo in launching a video distribution service on Nintendo�s home console, the Wii. The two companies plan to offer programs exclusive to the service, allowing old people and little kids to get down with some cartoons and other entertainment content. However, nothing in this world is free (except Wii Sports) and viewers ...

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Cellphone Gun Looks A Tad Outdated

You know, this is a sweet mockup or whatever, but I’ve got a few issues with said cellphone gun. First off, it appears to be using a Nokia from 1998. Where is the functionality in that? Secondly, no touchscreen? Good luck selling it in today’s market. Lastly, look where the mic and headset are placed. I sense that many a ...

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USB Spring Speaker

Either we can sit around cracking jokes about how this speaker looks like a certain phallic object or we can get on to the specs like professional adults. You’d rather crack dick jokes? OK, I’ll wait. Good. Now that you’re done, let me give you the 411 on this speaker. It’s called the Spring Speaker and it has a whopping ...

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LED Football 2

If you’re old enough, you’ll remember the days of LED football. Cut the shit, pops. You know exactly what game I’m talking about. Move the lights, run the ball, score the TDs. The problem is, those old units are either long gone, broken or being sold on eBay in mint condition. Why bother with that hassle? You clearly need LED ...

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