10 Must-Have Tech You Need for College Dorm Life

Dorm living

Living in a dorm can be a challenging time in your college life. Sharing a room with strangers from different backgrounds and lifestyles is generally a mixed bag. If you’re lucky, the people you encounter get to become your lifelong friends. If you’re not lucky, well, college is typically only four years anyway.

To make dorm living – and college life – smoother and more fun, we’ve come up with gadget suggestions to help you out on your journey.

1. A multi-function printer

Save yourself the trouble of having to queue at the campus printers by having your own printer. It’s advisable to get a model that can also do scanning and copying, just so you’re covered on those fronts as well.

2. A reasonably-sized HDTV

We’re talking around 32-inches or so here, given that most dorm rooms aren’t exactly spacious. Don’t bother with the in-house cable TV. Plug in a media streaming device and you’re all set to chill.

3. A gaming console

Here’s another gadget that you plug into your HDTV. Endless hours of fun and entertainment to have with your roomies and friends. Just make sure you know when to drop the controller, especially when it’s nearing finals week.

4. A mini projector

A more portable alternative to getting a big flatscreen, a mini projector can be an interesting gadget for dorm life. It enables you to use a wall or a screen as a huge display. You can hold movie viewings with your buds, or with a crowd given a larger venue.

5. A PC with decent hardware

Aside from a tablet or hybrid laptop for taking notes in class, you’ll want a powerful workstation for all your other needs. A high-end gaming PC is a worthy investment as you can play games with it, and it can be used as a versatile workhorse for video editing and other intensive tasks. Don’t forget to password protect your system.

6. An external drive or two

You’ll want a flash drive for transferring files from public terminals. Make it cheap and disposable, just in case it gets horribly corrupted with malware and viruses. A large portable storage will be nifty for copying big files like videos and applications.

7. A durable Bluetooth speaker

Get one that features waterproofing and shockproofing, just in case you want to bring it to the pool or somewhere rugged. Now you can spread the greatness of your musical tastes anywhere with your portable speaker system.

8. A security camera

Just to be safe, you might want to install a wireless IP camera in your dorm room. You’ll want to protect your precious gadgets and stuff from any would-be thieves. It’s a relatively minor investment anyway.

9. A surge protector

Here’s another gadget that will protect your electronics. A surge-protected power strip will ensure that all your plugged devices are relatively safe from an electrical mishap.

10. A robot vacuum cleaner

If a robot vacuum cleaner is too expensive for your wallet, you can always get a standard vacuum cleaner and do it yourself. It never hurts to have one, just in case your dorm gets unbearably dirty.

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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