Pinterest Succumbs To Advertising Pressure!

It’s been four years since Pinterest stepped in to the limelight and now the time has come for them to succumb to the pressure of advertising.


As Pinterest begins the process of moving its traffic from web to mobile, Pinterest CEO, Ben Silbermann, says that the company is going to begin promoting certain pins. Pinterest plans to plant these ads in search results and categories. The paid advertisements will appear in search results as pins that have been placed by the retailer that has paid for advertisement.

Unlike some social media networks however, Pinterest is first testing the waters with their ads by working with a few select advertisers. These advertisers are not currently having to pay for their advertisement so that Pinterest can gauge just how well this advertising plan works out.

Ben Silbermann says that the new advertising plan will not be like anything you’ve seen before in that it will only use tasteful and relevant banners that will always announce that they are sponsored. Finally, Silbermann says that these advertisements will be improved over time as user feedback is received.

About Mohit

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