Game developers and hardware manufacturers have been trying so hard all of these years to achieve a realistic 3D effect. They have constantly been improving the quality of the 3D images we see. But there is some inherent problem to all of this: we are viewing the content on a monitor, which is a 2D surface. Only a plane, a ...
Read More »Search Results for: gamer
Are you a Guitar Hero? Xbox 360 game info here.
Those guys over at Team Xbox have gotten quite lucky and snagged some official images of the box and guitar bundle for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II. Guitar Hero II was (and still is with the recent release of version II) a phenomenon like DDR for the PlayStation 2 when it came out. It seems that these ...
Read More »Halo 3 beta instructions! Come and get ’em!
So what if Gears of War has taken over the Xbox360 scene as of late. The name of Halo still holds a warm and fuzzy place in every die-hard Xbox fan out there. That is the main reason why the upcoming installment Halo 3 is receiving so much attention right now. The newest and coolest thing in Halo world? Getting ...
Read More »Space Invaders are here…to warm your neck
The chill of winter is in the air and all of us gearheads need to be warm just like our fellow mortals. Sure…many of us spend most season’s inside on our computers anyway, but what about those dreaded trips to the outside? It’s a cold and dark place out there, man! So, if you wanna venture outside into the abyss, ...
Read More »New Sims 2 expansion announced: Sim Seasons
EA Games has really been cashing in on all of these Sims expansions. People are just relentless with this game. And you know what they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. With that said, EA Games has announced plans on yet another expansion release for Sims 2, which will be called Seasons. This eighth expansion will upgrade the ...
Read More »Ideazon Gaming Keyboard, Feel The Butterfly!
Ideazon might not be a “well-known” name in the tech macro world, but heavy gamers (and by heavy I don’t mean obese) might know them from their Zboards which come with custom key placement for specific games. Though for those who would rather not have to buy a new layout everytime they bought a new game, Ideazon also offers a ...
Read More »Playstation games officially released for PSP download
With PS3 riots still running wild, Sony has officially released downloads of PS1 games for the PSP. While this new addition to the Playstation brand won’t cause the need for riot police like other past launches, the integration of all of the Playstation consoles is proving itself to be a very impressive and smooth integration, aside from a few snags ...
Read More »Samsung SCH-B550 brings 3D graphics to mobile
While we’ve all seen mobile’s that look more sleek and flashy, Samsung’s SCH-B550 smartphone is one piece of gear that packs a shit-load of power, into a tiny package. The B550 comes equipped with the usual features of a recently produced Asian cellphone. You got your MP3 player. You’ve got your 2 megapixel camera for any upskirt opportunities that might ...
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