As if you are not sick of Samsung’s propaganda in real life yet, the company is opening an island on the online virtual space Second Life to promote their phones. And since Samsung was trying to tell us how thin those phones they developed with Softbank were, they got this phone-raining effect on. If you would like to use these ...
Read More »GTA IV scans revealed!
Though GTA IV might be causing more controversy since the release of its trailer than the other games in the all-around controversial Grand Theft Auto series, the buzz around the game might even overwhelm the political backlash. These scanned photos from the newest Game Informer magazine reveal a little more detail about the game and its pretty incredible graphics. The ...
Read More »USB Hamster Wheel for the dieting rodent
Do you have a plump hamster? It’s time to get its fat ass out of the cage and onto the USB Hamster Wheel. The Wheel spins faster and faster depending on the speed you are typing. We don’t think it was made to be used with a real hamster, as it includes a fake stuffed rodent, but it can surely ...
Read More »In name of the Wii, Xbox 360 display boxes vandalized in an act of guerrilla hack marketing
Some geek out there really doesn’t want us to buy an Xbox 360, and they aren’t afraid to throw it in our faces either. While one of the game store owners was distracted, over-zealous gamer Dustin Wilson took a white marker and wrote the words “Buy a Wii instead!” on the three Xbox display boxes in the window of the ...
Read More »So that’s what the inside of a SanDisk SD Card looks like!
If pictures of ravaged, dismantled gadgets makes you feel squeamish, you might want to go to another, more tame post. This poor SD card was ravaged by the owners dog after it was spooked by a pet parrot flying out of its cage. In a disastorous turn of events, the owners SD Card fell to the ground, at which time ...
Read More »Mirror Image Digital Clock: Reflect on your time wasted
The Mirror Image Digital Clock might help you “reflect” on time you could of spent doing something else. Hardy har! Puns are funny. The Clock has an inverted readout on its base which then reflects into readable numbers using a mirror to project a mirror image. Because of its slightly bent face, which points downwards to the inverted numbers, the ...
Read More »USB Tape Dispenser: Umm…OK?
We’ve seen some useless USB hubs in our day, but this just takes the cake whole bakery. The USB Tape Dispenser is, well, a Tape Dispenser with a few extra USB ports added on. Just wait until poor, old Milton from Office Space gets his hands on this. He’ll forget all about his stapler. The USB Tape Dispenser comes with ...
Read More »Cassette Tape Tote Bag for iconic retro finesse
You might of loved the Cassette Tape Wallet, but thought to yourself “Wow, my gun definitely won’t fit in that”. For those of you for more to carry, here’s the Cassette Tape Tote Bag. While it might be depressing that an item that you used so often is now being used in an iconic novelty products made from plastic, don’t ...
Read More »Wii II: Portable Edition, if only concepts were true
This is just too damn cool to ever exist. This concept for the Wii II (assuming there will be one), offers a totally different take on console design, adding portability to the Wii. How is this done you might ask? Well for one, there is a built-in projector which doubles as the laser sensor for the Wiimote. All you would ...
Read More »Nokia Open 4G Phone Concept
Nokia held a design competition to help develop a 4G Nokia phone. The Nokia Open is the winning phone concept and is really like no other. It features a wing like display which opens onto a spread-open LCD touchscreen. The concept only features one main button. The rest is controlled through the touch display. Ample screen room allows for easy ...
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