Following the announcement that EMI would be providing DRM-free music to iTunes, Apple has released its iTunes 7.2 which includes iTunes Plus, a branch of the music store that offers higher quality music with no DRM. Sources say that Apple had planned to release this update Tuesday evening, but technical difficulties sent them working on the update into the wee ...
Read More »Turn your house off
Remember in shop class how they would have that one button that shut off every tool in the workshop if there were an emergency? We were always so tempted to press that button, just for the hell of it. The House-off Switch is a similar gizmo for your home. When pressed, the switch shuts off all non-essential electricity in your ...
Read More »Mirror, mirror on the wall: Talking Mirror makes fairy tales real
Made from the same people who brought you the King Kong ride at Universal Studio’s and the T-Rex from Jurassic Park, the Talking Mirror Butler is a pretty neat animatron. When not being used as a butler, it’s just like any other mirror until its handy driveway sensor gets notified by an upcoming visitor. When a visitor approaches, the Talking ...
Read More »DIY: Rubik’s Cube made of dice
Check it, homie. We’ve seen some pretty cool Rubik’s Cube stuff in our day, but not so many “make your own” style Rubik’s stuff. This DIY takes the ultimate in geek puzzle gaming and the ultimate in straight pimp hustler dice gaming and integrates the two in a seamless parallel. Instead of trying to arrange all the colors together, ...
Read More »iPhone 2 probably already designed and prepped for release
There has been so much damn buzz about the iPhone, that it already seems to be kinda out-dated, am I right? According to reports, Apple is auditioning manufacturers for the second-gen iPhone, even though the original is still weeks away from release. According to sources, the reports state that the nex-gen iPhone will have different outer designs to fit different ...
Read More »NCSoft launches free MMO with Dungeon Runners
Looking a lot like a WoW clone, but in a good, free kind of way, NCSoft has released its free MMORPG game called Dungeon Runners. This free online experience is much like NCSoft’s own Guild Wars, except more cartoon-y and with a interesting sense of humor, including joke-cracking merchants. Just like everything else, there is a catch. Dragon Runners is ...
Read More »Robotic Lamp acts like Big Brother
Some people hate being in the spotlight. If you are one of those people, we do not recommend AUR, which is a smart robotic lamp. AUR tracks your movement so that you always have the proper lighting when you need it, where you need it. This little “lighting assistant” was made to explore the relationship between humans and robots. Combining ...
Read More »Phonograph CD Player makes Thomas Edison proud
The phonograph might be more familiar looking for your Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, but designer Yong Jieyu looks pretty determined to show the phonograph a fine comeback. By dissembling an old CD player and rearranging certain components, Jieyu tries to recreate the magic of listening to 1900’s broadcasts. The speakers are placed below the trumpet loudspeaker for amplification. The wooden box ...
Read More »Microsoft Live takes a 3D look at The Big Apple
Microsoft has announced a new functionality added to Microsoft Live Search Maps. The announcement includes beautifully done 3D photo-realistic maps which gives an in-depth tour of New York City and 8 other US, UK, and Canadian cities. Microsoft continues to keep one step ahead of Google in the maps competition. While Google Maps has gained 3D scales, the graphics of ...
Read More »Syntes Domino Phone is no game
In an exercise to integrate old game playing and mobile technology, Domino Phone concept from Syntes Studio is a real storyteller. Everything from its packaging to its keypad is themed to remind us of how we used to feel when we whipped out the old dominoes set. In our world full of high-tech silver metal styled cellphones, the Domino Phone ...
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