Not every child has the opportunity to have an extended education but online crowd funding project, Wishbone, is giving the opportunity of extended education to more children than before.
So far Wishbone, the education crowd funding project, has provided academic summer camps and after-school program opportunities for eighty children who may not otherwise have received such an option. Wishbone currently offers needy children from the Bay Area or NYC the opportunity to receive educational opportunities by posting profiles and requesting funding from donors. Students receive the invitation to post their profiles on the Wishbone site from their teachers and donors can browse through students profiles to choose which students they would like to assist in their educational endeavors. Updates on each child that has been sponsored are sent periodically to the child’s donors to keep them abreast of the child’s progress.
One of the major focal points of the Wishbone projects is to provide educational opportunities outside the classroom for children who are not financially able to take part in these opportunities otherwise. By providing children with access to these programs they receive education in areas that will help to shape their future choices and open up avenues to college programs that will set them on successful career paths.
Wishbone hopes that in the near future they will be able to expand their service area to include more cities nationwide but for the time being they are only available for Bay Area and NYC students.