Hi, I live on the Equator and I grow strawberries in my fridge

mr-w55m mitsubishi fridge

Fridges are just getting smarter and smarter nowadays, first they put a computer screen and mounted the whole speaker there- that didn’t make big into the market; so they went back to basics. Mitsubishi came out with 3 great ideas. First they put the water purifier in there, so that you don’t have to boil anymore (some people do and some countries have to). Secondly they built movable storage decks with a switch that allows you to adjust the height between them without clearing what’s on top. And the best part, they started putting this Blue LED that helps plants grow. That’s right, plants in the fridge will undergo photosynthesis, even plants detached from the stalk will still undergo some level of photosynthesis, and this helps retain Chlorophyll in your vegies. As usual, these crazy fridges are only found in Japan. Catch the jump for a wonderful family happiness pic. It’s really worth the click.

mr-w55m mitsubishi fridge

Sam Chan

MR-W55M Refrigerators [Mitsubishi Electric]

About Mohit

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