Ghost in the Machine: Cassette Art Resurrects Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison


Hendrix and Morrison are long gone in body, but their souls live on through their music, eternally playing through radios and iPods across the planet. Not to mention cassettes. There are still plenty of people who rely on the dead technology of cassette tapes to jam out to their old favorites. But listening to music is only a fraction of what can be done with these ancient musical artifacts.

If you have enough time on your hands and enough patience to win a staring contest versus a dead man then cassette art is a clever way at resurrecting the classic musicians of yore, as seen through the Ghost in the Machine project by Flickr user iri5. This awesome Flickr’er took the time to recreate Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison using nothing but ripped-out tape from inside of a cassette. The Hendrix piece is decidedly more awesome in our opinion, but really, come on, it’s Jimi! Plus it doesn’t hurt that Hendrix’s nappy hair was more fitting for such a project. Check out Morrison after that jump.


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About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.

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