Emerging Tech

Real-Time Augmented Reality Equips Your Home with a Holodeck

I envy Spock in so many aspects of life that it’s almost sad. I said almost! His odd, yet charming pointed ears, his vast intelligence and superior brain, his hot piece of space tail (Uhura), even his uncanny resemblance to Leonard Nimoy. But perhaps most of all, I envy his use of the Enterprise’s Holodeck. Amazingly, the RT2 chara AR ...

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Batteries Will One Day Be Smaller Than a Grain of Sand

When you think about batteries, two things come to mind; sitting out in the cold, waiting for your car batteries to be jumped, and the clunky lithium-ion batteries we’ve come to know and love as the life force of our gadgets. Research funded by DARPA is pushing the limits of battery technology in an effort to create the smallest batteries ...

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Lockheed Martin Using Spectral Beam Combining to Develop Laser Guns

There have been proposals in the past to incorporate laser weaponry into warfare. But up until now, there had been no practical solution for making a laser weapon small enough or powerful enough to actually use in the field, unless we ever happened to be battling cats. Then we’d be set. Finally, Lockheed Martin might have stumbled on the secret ...

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Windstalk Concept Could Replace Turbine-Powered Energy

Wind turbines are a great and relatively cheap source of alternative energy, but some people are just not willing to give up their pristine landscape for a grid of wind turbines, even though I think they look pretty damn gorgeous personally. Others worry about the low-frequency vibrations the turbines emit. Whatever reasons wind turbines might negatively affect the populace, Atelier ...

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Portuguese Eco-City To Be Controlled By Computerized ‘Brain’

Southern Portugal’s PlanIT Valley is on course to become the greenest city in the world. The developers of the $19 billion city PlanIT Valley are taking a cue from human biology to control the constant renewable processes of the city. Much like the human body, PlanIT Valley will have its own brain (a central control computer connected through the cloud ...

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I Never Forget an Ear: Airport Security to Integrate Ear Scanning Technology

Sure, fingerprints and facial recognition are all well and good, but there’s always some sort of catch. Fingerprints and faces change with age and wrinkling, but researchers believe that ears are a different story. Pretty much from birth, ear shape remains consistent and is about as unique as a fingerprint. “There are a whole load of structures in the ear ...

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Google Has Secretely Developed a Self-Driving Car

Is Google setting its sights on alternative green transportation? It would seem odd that a search company would be in the headlines as a cutting-edge developer of automobiles, but apparently, Google still has a few secrets up their wizard sleeves. Google has secretly been developing a self-driven, autonomous car which actually does what it’s supposed to do. Google has accumulated ...

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