Earth & Space

So You Think You Know NASA?

NASA Funding

According to one of Steve's most recent posts Neil deGrass Tyson goes down as noting that the 2008 bank bailout was "larger than the total 50 year history of NASA'S budget." This prompted Steve to go looking at how the tax dollars of the people of the United States are prioritized. Steve came up with this table to help to show the difference between science and military spending.

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A Lizard on Mars?


The image above is an official image taken of the surface of Mars by NASA. The image shows just what the surface of the thought-to-be barren planet looks like. Those concepts of the planet being barren are now being questioned by one science blogger however, who took it upon himself to zoom in to the image just about as far as he could.

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Photo: The Pacific Ocean Is Really Obnoxiously Big


Size is really a hard concept to grasp unless you have an object of known size to compare it with. This shot of the Pacific Ocean from space illustrates just how entirely massive this body of water is. Don't make a "Yo momma so fat..." joke, Andrew. Don't do it!

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Astronaut Bed Set Makes Your Kid’s Dream Come True

At one point or another, every little boy goes through their “I want to be an astronaut when I grow up” phase. Because drinking recycled pee just sounds like great fun! It might only last for a week, but you could make it the best week of their life with the Astronaut Quilt. I’m not going to lie to you. ...

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Astrophysicists Successfully Simulate Galaxy Formation

Until now, astrophysicists were having a lot of difficulty with galaxy simulations. These difficulties were a result of two things -- a lack of detailed information about galaxy formation, and the complexity of the features of a galaxy. Though this simulation doesn't entirely overcome these hurdles, it's definitely a step in the right direction.

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