Technology Partly to Blame for Increasing Lack of Sleep

I’ve done it. You’ve done it. Just about everybody has done it at some point or another: put off sleep in favor of surfing the Internet, talking on their cell phones or toying around with their new gizmos and gadgets. Personally, I’m a “one more level” guy. Now a new study from the National Sleep Foundation more or less confirms that more Americans are missing out on a good night of sleep because they can’t stop using their blasted iPhone.

In fact, the phrase “communications technology use before sleep is pervasive” is used in the press release issued by the National Sleep Foundation. Vice Chairman of the National Sleep Foundation, Russell Rosenberg, says that cell phone and PC use is a double-edged sword:

Unfortunately cell phones and computers, which make our lives more productive and enjoyable, may also be abused to the point that they contribute to getting less sleep at night leaving millions of Americans functioning poorly the next day.

The study took samples from four different age groups: Baby Boomers (46-64 years old), Generation X’ers (30-45), Generation Y’ers (19-29) and Generation Z’ers (13-18). Of those groups, roughly one-in-ten Gen Z’ers said they were woken up every night after going to bed by their cell phones. When expanded to “a few times a week,” both Gen Y’ers and Z’ers saw their numbers shoot up to around 20%.

The study also shows that Baby Boomers are less tired than Gen Y or Z-types, on average.

So, how do you combat such tired behavior? The National Sleep Foundation suggests setting a set sleeping schedule, regularly exercise and keep a “worry book,” among other things. I’m not sure about that last one, but there are a number of good tips given for those of you who are tired of having wonky sleeping schedules.

Personally, I sleep about three hours a night so I don’t even notice the sleepiness anymore. It’s just become part of who I am.

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About Mohit

One comment

  1. Is it still true when you use a technologically innovative alarm clock ?
    I use WakeVoice (Android app) to wake me up : That app listen to you, understand you, answer and act.
    It’s almost a pleasure to get up;)

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