Rumor: Dell E Mini Notebook For $299 In August

We’ve all seen Dell’s E mini notebook that’s piss small with an 8.9-inch screen but details haven’t emerged aside from specs – until today. Rumor has it that the Dell E is going to ship sometime in August for – wait for it – an astonishing $299. At that price, you’d expect a terrible system but you’ll find decent specs like a 1.8GHz Atom CPU, Linux. On the downside? 4GB of storage, only 512MB of RAM and Linux.

If the specs don’t suit you, fear not: Dell is coming out with a few models, including a premium model that supposedly has a built-in webcam, 1GB of RAM and other features. Either way, if Dell debuts a $299 sub-notebook next month, don’t expect to find them in stock after launch day.

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About Mohit


  1. >On the downside? 4GB of storage, only 512MB of RAM and Linux.

    I put my mom on a Dell laptop this year that had Ubuntu and she learnd how to use it with no problem.

    I on the other hand dont hav to worry about virus, malware, trojans and other Windows goodies on her machine.
    We run Linux servers at work so I know very well how flexible Linux is, my colleague uses it on his 10 year old Thinkpad T21 which I gave him and it works like a charm with low spec machines.

    Dont fear teh Linux. Especially if you consider yourself techies. Its not more difficult to use than Vista or OS X and you have much, much more choices of desktop looks.

  2. Rob,

    I use a couple of Macs and used to use Linux in my teens. Linux is great and I’ll definitely use it on this Dell, but again, it’s not an OS for the casual laptop user. Yeah, you could argue this but it just turns into a loop.

    Gotta love the Beryl + Compiz

  3. one to go, please

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